书名 英汉双向环境工程词典
  并列正书名 English-Chinese and Chinese-English Dictionary of Environmental Engineering
  丛书多卷书否 N
  主要责任者 徐国强;陈文召
  责任方式 主编;副主编
  出版者 上海交通大学出版社
  出版地 上海
  出版日期 2009-01
  页码 1-677
  字数 870
  开本 32
  定价 45.00
  作品语种 中;英
  整书中图分类号 X5-61
  参考文献 [1] Machenziel L. Davis and David A. Cornwell. 1991. Introduction to Environmental Engineering. 2nd ed. [M]. NewYork: Mcgraw-Hill Inc.
[2] Twort A. C., LawF. M., Crowley F. w., Ratnayaka D. D. 1994. Water Supply. [M]. NewYork: Edward Arnold Publishers
[3] Robert A. Corbitt. 1995. Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering. NewYork: Mcgraw-Hill Inc.
[4] Bernard J. Nebel, Richard T. Wright. 1998. Environmental Science: The Way the World Works. 6th ed. [M]. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
[5] George Tchobanoglous, Fraklin L. Burton, H. David Stensel. 2003. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. 4th ed. [M]. NewYork: Mcgraw-Hill Inc.
[6] J. Gordon Arbuckle et al.1985.Environmental Law Handbook [M]. Rockville: America Government Institutes
[7] Bruce E. Rittmann, Perry L. McCarty 2002 Environmental Biotechnology [M]. Boston: America McGraw-Hill Inc.
[8] Colin Francis, Suren Erkman 2001 Environmental Management for Industrial Estates [M]. Switzerland: Institute for the Communication and Analysis of Science & Technology
[9] J. Jeffrey Peirce, Ruth F. Weiner, P. Aarne Vesilind. 2000 Environmental Pollution and Control [M]. Beijing: Butterworth-Heinemann
[10] William M. Marsh, John Grossa, Jr. 2005 Environmental Geography: Science, Land Use, and Earth Systems [M]. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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