书名 耳鼻咽喉科学彩色图谱
  并列正书名 A Colour Atlas of Otorhinolaryngology
  丛书多卷书否 N
  ISBN 7-5062-4749-6
  主要责任者 Bruce;程婉青,许珉;李晓红,韦俊荣,康全清
  责任方式 Benjamin,Brian Bingham,Michael Hawke等 原著;主译;副主译
  出版者 世界图书出版西安公司
  出版地 西安
  出版日期 2005-03
  页码 2-339
  字数 130
  开本 16
  定价 248.00
  整书中图分类号 R762-64
  参考文献 Benjamin B,Atlas of Paediatric Endoscopy: Upper Respiratory Tract and Oesophagus,Oxford University Press: Oxford,1981.
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Hawke M,Jahn AF,Diseases of the Ear: Clinical and Pathological Aspects, Gower Press: London,1987.
Hawke M,Keene M,Alberti PW,Clinical Otoscopy: An Introduction to Ear Diseases (second edition),Churchill Livingstone: Edinburgh and London, 1990.
Hawthorn MR,Bingham BJ,Synopsis of Operative ENT Surgery,Butterworth: Oxford,1992.
Hirano Minoru,Phonosurgical anatomy of the larynx. In: C Ford and D Bless (eds),Assessment and Surgical Management of Voice Disorders,Raven Press: New York,1991:25-41.
Kleinsasser O,Tumours of the Larynx and Hypopharynx,Georg Thieme Verlag: Stuttgart and New York,1988.
Shankar L,Evans K,Stammberger H,Hawke M,An Atlas of Imaging of the Paranasal Sinuses,Martin Dunitz and JB Lippincott: London and Philadelphia,1994.
Stammberger H,Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: The Messerklinger Technique,BC Decker: Philadelphia, 1991
Stammberger H,Hawke M,Essentials of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery,Mosby YearBook: St Louis,1993.
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