

The Danger of the American Standard for Financial Industry:Reflections on the "Subprime Crisis"

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【作者】 唐珏岚

【Author】 Tang Juelan

【机构】 中共上海市委党校经济学部

【摘要】 金融业美国标准具有以市场原教旨主义为基石,以证券市场为金融体系中心,以风险为投资银行"商品"的特征。20世纪80年代的英国金融"大爆炸"是美国标准被奉为国际标准的契机,90年代日本经济的持续低迷、东南亚金融危机的爆发进一步增加了美国标准的优越感。随着次贷危机由美国蔓延至全球、由金融产品领域逐渐影响到实体经济领域,金融业美国标准所存在的监管缺失、信用评级机构的自身信用以及投资银行风险管理系统的缺陷等问题进一步暴露。次贷危机之下,有必要进一步思考政府与市场、直接融资与间接融资、分业经营与混业经营的关系。

【Abstract】 The American standard for financial industry has the following characteristics:market fundamentalism-based,stock market-orientated and investment bank-dominated.The Britain’s financial "big bang" in the 1980s opened up the opportunity for establishing the American standard as the international standard,and the economic downturn of Japan in the 1990s and the eruption of South Asia’s financial crisis further increased the superiority of American standard.With the subprime crisis spreading from America to the whole world,from the fields of financial products to real economy,the problems existed in the financial industry standard of America,such as the prevailing of opportunism,the credits of grading credit institutes themselves,the unfairness of the world financial activity dominated by the American financial hegemony,are further exposed.Under the "subprime crisis",we should rethink the relationships between government and market,direct financing and indirect financing,and separate financial business and mixed financial business.

【关键词】 次贷危机美国标准投资银行
  • 【文献出处】 世界经济与政治 ,World Economics and Politics , 编辑部邮箱 ,2008年12期
  • 【分类号】F837.12
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】525