重庆统计年鉴 2018,栏目:第7章 人民生活与物价>>表7.1 城乡居民物质文化生活情况(2016-2017年),共1页
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表7.1城乡居民物质文化生活情况(2016 - 2017年) |
指标 |
Item |
2016 |
2017 |
就业 |
Employment |
每一城镇常住劳动力负担人数(人) |
Number of Dependents per Urban Employee (person) |
*** |
*** |
每一农村常住劳动力负担人数(人) |
Number of Dependents per Rural Laborer (person) |
*** |
*** |
城镇登记失业率(%) |
Registered Urban Unemployment Rate (%) |
*** |
*** |
收入和支出 |
Income and Expenditure |
城镇非私营单位在岗职工平均工资(元) |
Annual Average Wage of On-Post
Staff and Workers of Urban
Non-private Units (yuan) |
*** |
*** |
城镇常住居民人均可支配收入(元) |
Annual per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households (yuan) |
*** |
*** |
农民常住居民人均可支配收入(元) |
Annual per Capita Net Income of Rural Households (yuan) |
*** |
*** |
城镇常住居民人均消费性支出(元) |
Annual per Capita Consumption
Expenditure of Urban
Households(yuan) |
*** |
*** |
农村常住居民人均生活消费支出(元) |
Annual per Capita Living Expenditure of Rural Households
(yuan) |
*** |
*** |
城镇常住居民家庭恩格尔系数(%) |
Engle's Coefficient of Urban Households (%) |
*** |
*** |
农村常住居民家庭恩格尔系数(%) |
Engle's Coefficient of Rural Households (%) |
*** |
*** |
人均住户存款(元) |
Per Capita Saving Deposits of Residents (yuan) |
*** |
*** |
住房 |
Housing |
城镇常住居民人均住房建筑面积(平方米) |
Per Capita Residential Floor Space of Urban Residents (sq.m) |
*** |
*** |
农村常住居民人均住房建筑面积(平方米) |
Per Capita Living Space of Rural Residents (sq.m) |
*** |
*** |
交通邮电 |
Transport, Postal and Telecommunication Services |
人均道路面积(平方米) |
Per Capita Area of Paved Roads (sq.m) |
*** |
*** |
平均每百人拥有移动电话(部) |
Number of Mobile Telephones Owned per 100 Persons (unit) |
*** |
*** |
每人平均交寄函件(件) |
Number of Letters Mailed Per Capita (unit) |
*** |
*** |
城市公用事业 |
City Public Utilities |
用水普及率(%) |
Percentage of Population with Access to Tap Water (%) |
*** |
*** |
燃气普及率(%) |
Percentage of Population with Access to Gas (%) |
*** |
*** |
人均公园绿地面积(平方米) |
Per Capita Public Green Land(sq.m) |
*** |
*** |
教育 |
Education |
学龄儿童入学率(%) |
Enrollment Ratio of School-Aged Children (%) |
*** |
*** |
每万人口中在校大学生(人) |
Number of Undergraduates Per 10 000 Population (person) |
*** |
*** |
文化 |
Culture |
每百户城镇常住家庭拥有彩色电视机(台) |
Number of Color TV Sets Per 100 Urban Households (unit) |
*** |
*** |
每百户农村常住家庭拥有彩色电视机(台) |
Number of Color TV Sets Per 100 Rural Households (unit) |
*** |
*** |
广播人口覆盖率(%) |
Rate of Radio Broadcast Coverage of the Population (%) |
*** |
*** |
电视人口覆盖率(%) |
Rate of TV Coverage of the Population (%) |
*** |
*** |
卫生 |
Public Health |
每万人拥有医院、卫生院病床(张) |
Number of Beds of Hospitals and
Health Centers Per 10 000
Population (bed) |
*** |
*** |
每万人拥有执业(助理)医师(人) |
Number of Licensed (Assistant)
Doctors Per 10 000
Population (person) |
*** |
*** |