重庆统计年鉴 2018,栏目:第6章 财政>>表6.3 财政收入(2016-2017年),共1页
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表6.3财政收入(2016 - 2017年) |
单位:万元(10 000 yuan) |
项目 |
Item |
2016 |
2017 |
一般公共预算收入 |
Public Government Budget Revenue |
*** |
*** |
#市级 |
Municipal Level |
*** |
*** |
税收收入 |
Total Tax Revenue |
*** |
*** |
增值税 |
Value-added Tax |
*** |
*** |
企业所得税 |
Corporate Income
Tax |
*** |
*** |
个人所得税 |
Individual Income
Tax |
*** |
*** |
资源税 |
Resource Tax |
*** |
*** |
城市维护建设税 |
City Maintenance
and Construction Tax |
*** |
*** |
房产税 |
House Property
Tax |
*** |
*** |
印花税 |
Stamp Tax |
*** |
*** |
城镇土地使用税 |
Urban Land Use
Tax |
*** |
*** |
土地增值税 |
Land Appreciation
Tax |
*** |
*** |
车船税 |
Tax on Vehicles
and Boat Operation |
*** |
*** |
耕地占用税 |
Farm Land
Occupation Tax |
*** |
*** |
契税 |
Deed Tax |
*** |
*** |
烟叶税 |
Tobacco Leaf Tax |
*** |
*** |
非税收入 |
Total Non-tax Revenue |
*** |
*** |
专项收入 |
Special Program
Receipts |
*** |
*** |
行政性收费收入 |
Charge of
Administrative and Institutional Units |
*** |
*** |
罚没收入 |
Penalty Receipts |
*** |
*** |
国有资源(资产)有偿使用收入 |
Revenue from Use
of State-owned Resources (Assets) |
*** |
*** |
政府住房基金收入 |
Revenue from
Government Funds for Housing |
*** |
*** |
其他收入 |
Other Revenue |
*** |
*** |
基金预算收入 |
Budgetary Revenue of Funds |
*** |
*** |
国有土地使用权出让收入 |
Transferring Fee of Use Rights of
Land |
*** |
*** |
国有资本经营预算收入 |
State-owned Capital Operational Budgetary Revenue |
*** |
*** |