
天津统计年鉴 2017,栏目:第十七篇 金融业>>17-7 中外资金融机构人民币各项存贷款余额(2016年),共1页

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17 -7中外资金融机构人民币各项存贷款余额(2016年) 
RMB Deposit and Loan Balance of Chinese & Foreign Financial Institutions,2016 
单位:亿元(100 million yuan) 
项 目 Item 2016 比年初增减数

Increase or Decrease

Compared to the

Beginning of the Year



Rate in 2016

over 2015(%)
2015 2016
各项存款合计 Total Deposits *** *** *** ***
  境内存款   Domestic Deposits *** *** *** ***
    住户存款       Household Deposits *** *** *** ***
      活期存款         Demand Deposits *** *** *** ***
      定期及其他存款         Time Deposits and Other Deposits *** *** *** ***
    非金融企业存款       Non-financial Enterprise Deposits *** *** *** ***
      活期存款         Demand Deposits *** *** *** ***
      定期及其他存款         Time Deposits and Other Deposits *** *** *** ***
    广义政府存款       General Government Deposits *** *** *** ***
      财政性存款         Treasury Deposits *** *** *** ***
      机关团体存款         Deposits of Non-profit Institutions *** *** *** ***
    非银行业金融机构存款       Non-bank Financial Institution Deposits *** *** *** ***
  境外存款     Overseas Deposits *** *** *** ***
各项贷款合计 Total Loans *** *** *** ***
  境内贷款   Domestic Loans *** *** *** ***
    住户贷款     Household Loans *** *** *** ***
      短期贷款       Short-term Loans *** *** *** ***
        消费贷款         Consumption Loans *** *** *** ***
        经营贷款         Business Loans *** *** *** ***
      中长期贷款       Medium-term & Long-term Loans *** *** *** ***
        消费贷款         Consumption Loans *** *** *** ***
        经营贷款         Business Loans *** *** *** ***
    非金融企业及机关团体贷款     Non-financial Enterprise and Institution

*** *** *** ***
      短期贷款       Short-term Loans *** *** *** ***
      中长期贷款       Medium-term & Long-term Loans *** *** *** ***
      票据融资       Bill Financing *** *** *** ***
      融资租赁       Financing Lease *** *** *** ***
      各项垫款       Money Advanced *** *** *** ***
    非银行业金融机构贷款     Non-bank Financial Institution Loans *** *** *** ***
  境外贷款   Overseas Loans *** *** *** ***