云南统计年鉴 2017,栏目:一 省情概况>>1-1 人口和资源(2016年),共1页
1-1 人口和资源(2016年) |
Population and Resources (2016) |
指 标 |
Item |
2016 |
全省年末人口总数(万人) |
Total Population (year-end) (10 000 persons) |
*** |
人口密度(人/平方千米) |
Population Density (person/sq.km) |
*** |
全省土地面积(万平方千米) |
Total Land Area (10 000 sq.km) |
*** |
民族自治地方土地面积(万平方千米) |
Autonomous Area of Nationalities (10 000 sq.km) |
*** |
全省年末耕地总资源(万公顷) |
Total Cultivated Land Resources at Year-end (10 000 hectares) |
*** |
牧草地面积(万公顷) |
Area of Grassland (10 000 hectares) |
*** |
全省森林面积(万公顷) |
Forest Area (10 000 hectares) |
*** |
全省森林覆盖率(%) |
Forest Coverage Rate (%) |
*** |
全省森林蓄积量(亿立方米) |
Standing Stock Volume (100 million cu.m) |
*** |
全省水域及水利设施用地面积(万公顷) |
Water Area and Water Conservancy Facilities Area (10 000
hectares) |
*** |
全省水能资源理论蕴藏量(亿千瓦) |
Hydropower Resources by Theoretic (100 million kw) |
*** |
全省水资源总量(亿立方米) |
Total of Water Resources (100 million cu.m) |
*** |
全省铁矿保有资源储量(亿吨) |
Ensured Reserves of Iron Ore (100 million tons) |
*** |
全省煤矿保有资源储量(亿吨) |
Ensured Reserves of Coal Ores (100 million tons) |
*** |
全省磷矿石保有资源储量(亿吨) |
Ensured Reserves of Phosphate Ores (100 million tons) |
*** |
注:1.森林资源有关数据为2012年云南省第八次森林资源连续清查数据。 |
2.牧草地面积为二次土地调查2014年土地变更调查数据,与2008年以前土地详查数据在土地分类标准、技术标准、调查手段和方法 |
上不一致 |
a.Data of forest resource are the reviewing data of the 8th provincial
continuous forest resource census in 2012. |
land area data are obtained from 2014 land changing survey of the second land
survey.detailed land survey before 2008 in terms of |
classification standard, technical standard and investigation methods. |