
云南统计年鉴 2017,栏目:一 省情概况>>1-1 人口和资源(2016年),共1页

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1-1 人口和资源(2016年) 
Population and Resources (2016) 
指 标 Item 2016
全省年末人口总数(万人) Total Population (year-end) (10 000 persons) ***
人口密度(人/平方千米) Population Density (person/ ***
全省土地面积(万平方千米) Total Land Area (10 000 ***
民族自治地方土地面积(万平方千米) Autonomous Area of Nationalities (10 000 ***
全省年末耕地总资源(万公顷) Total Cultivated Land Resources at Year-end (10 000 hectares) ***
牧草地面积(万公顷) Area of Grassland (10 000 hectares) ***
全省森林面积(万公顷) Forest Area (10 000 hectares) ***
全省森林覆盖率(%) Forest Coverage Rate (%) ***
全省森林蓄积量(亿立方米) Standing Stock Volume (100 million cu.m) ***
全省水域及水利设施用地面积(万公顷) Water Area and Water Conservancy Facilities Area (10 000 hectares) ***
全省水能资源理论蕴藏量(亿千瓦) Hydropower Resources by Theoretic (100 million kw) ***
全省水资源总量(亿立方米) Total of Water Resources (100 million cu.m) ***
全省铁矿保有资源储量(亿吨) Ensured Reserves of Iron Ore (100 million tons) ***
全省煤矿保有资源储量(亿吨) Ensured Reserves of Coal Ores (100 million tons) ***
全省磷矿石保有资源储量(亿吨) Ensured Reserves of Phosphate Ores (100 million tons) ***
Note: a.Data of forest resource are the reviewing data of the 8th provincial continuous forest resource census in 2012.
b.Pasture land area data are obtained from 2014 land changing survey of the second land survey.detailed land survey before 2008 in terms of
land classification standard, technical standard and investigation methods.