
重庆统计年鉴 2017,栏目:第17章 金融业>>表17.4 金融机构(含外资)本外币信贷收支表(2015-2016年),共1页

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17-4  金融机构(含外资)本外币信贷收支表(2015-2016年) 
Sources and Uses of RMB and Foreign Currencies Credit Funds of Financial Institutions
(Including Foreign-funded Institutions) (2015-2016) 
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan) 
        Item 2015 2016
各项存款余额 Total Deposit Balance *** ***
  境内存款 Domestic  Deposit *** ***
        住户存款 Deposits of Households *** ***
            活期存款         Demand Deposits *** ***
            定期及其他存款         Time & Other Deposits *** ***
    非金融企业存款 Deposits of Non-financial Enterprises *** ***
            活期存款         Demand Deposits *** ***
            定期及其他存款        Time & Other Deposits *** ***
        政府存款 Deposits of Governments *** ***
           财政性存款        Fiscal Deposits *** ***
           机关团体存款        Deposits of Government Departments & Organizations *** ***
       非银行业金融机构存款 Deposits of Non-banking Financial Institutions *** ***
    境外存款 Overseas Deposits *** ***
各项贷款余额 Total Loan Balance *** ***
  境内贷款 Domestic  Loans *** ***
        住户贷款 Loans to Households *** ***
            短期贷款         Short-term Loans *** ***
        消费贷款            Consumption Loans *** ***
        经营贷款            Operating Loans *** ***
           中长期贷款     Med & Long-term Loans *** ***
        消费贷款            Consumption Loans *** ***
        经营贷款            Operating Loans *** ***
        非金融企业及机关团体 Loans to Non-financial Enterprises and
  Government Departments & Organizations
*** ***
         短期贷款  Short-term Loan *** ***
         中长期贷款  Mid & Long-term Loans *** ***
      票据融资  Paper Financing *** ***
             融资租赁  Financial Leases *** ***
             各项垫款 Total Advances *** ***
        非银行业金融机构贷款 Loans of Non-banking Financial Institutions
    境外贷款 Overseas Loans *** ***
: 外币折本币所用汇率为当年最后一个交易日的中间汇率。
Note: The exchange rates between foreign currencies and RMB are the middle rates on the last trading day in current year.