青海统计年鉴 2016,栏目:20 卫生和社会服务>>20-4 2013-2015年残疾人事业基本情况,共1页
20-4 2013-2015年残疾人事业基本情况 |
Basic Statistics of
Disabled Persons(2013-2015) |
指标 |
Item |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
康复 |
Rehabilitation |
视力残疾康复 |
Rehabilitation of
Persons with Sight Disability |
白内障复明手术 (例) |
Sight-restoring Cataract Surgeries (Cases) |
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贫困白内障患者免费手术(例) |
Surgeries for Poor Cataract Patients (Cases) |
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*** |
低视力者配用助视器 (人) |
Vision-aids Provided for Individuals with Low-vision (person) |
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培训儿童家长 (人) |
Parents Trained (person) |
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*** |
*** |
盲人定向行走训练数 (人) |
Blindman Trained with Direction Walking (person) |
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*** |
聋儿康复 |
Rehabilitation of
Children with Hearing Disability |
年收训聋儿 (人) |
Hearing and Speech Training (person) |
*** |
*** |
*** |
培训家长 (人) |
Parents Trained (person) |
*** |
*** |
*** |
机构数 (个) |
Number of Institutions (person) |
*** |
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*** |
在岗专业人员教师 (人) |
Employed Special Personnel Teachers (person) |
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*** |
资助贫困聋儿 (人) |
Children with Hearing Disability Remained in Poverty Supported(person) |
精神病防治康复 |
Prevention and
Treatment of Mental Diseases |
开展精神病防治康复 |
Counties Carried on the Works of Prevention and |
工作市县数 (个) |
Treatment of Mental Diseases (unit) |
*** |
*** |
*** |
综合防治康复精神病人数(人) |
Prevention and Treatment
Provided for Patients
with Severe Mental
Diseases (person) |
*** |
*** |
*** |
孤独症儿童训练数 (人) |
Number of Autism Children Trained (person) |
*** |
*** |
*** |
肢体残疾康复 (人) |
Rehabilitation of
Persons with Physical Disability (person) |
肢体残疾人社区康复训练数 |
Persons Rehabilitated at Community |
*** |
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肢体残疾儿童机构康复训练数 |
Children Rehabilitated at Institutions |
*** |
*** |
*** |
智力残疾康复 (人) |
Rehabilitation of
Persons with Intellectual Disability (person) |
智残儿童康复培训数 |
Children with Intellectual Disability Receiving Rehabilitated Training |
*** |
*** |
*** |
智残儿童家长培训数 |
Parents Trained |
用品用具供应服务 |
Supply Services
of Supplies Equipment |
发放辅助用具 (件) |
Assistant Devices Provided (piece) |
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普及型小腿假肢装配总例数(例) |
Assemblage Universal-type Leg Prosthetics (cases) |
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普及型大腿假肢装配总例数(例) |
Assemblage Universal-type Thigh Prosthetics (cases) |
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