
吉林统计年鉴 2016,栏目:统计资料>>第十一篇 市政公用事业和环境保护>>11-1 市政公用事业基本情况,共1页

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11-1 市政公用事业基本情况 
Basic Statistics on Municipal Public Utilities 
指标 Item 2013 2014 2015
自来水全年供水总量(万立方米) Annual Volume of Tap Water Supply(10000 cu.m) *** *** ***
  #居民家庭用水量 Water Consumption for Residential Use *** *** ***
人均日生活用水(升) Per Capita Daily Consumption of Tap Water for Residential Use(unit) *** *** ***
用水普及率(%) Percetage of Population with Access to Tap Water(%) *** *** ***
年末实有道路长度(公里) Length of Paved Roads at Year-end(km) *** *** ***
年末实有道路面积(万平方米) Area of Paved Roads( 10000 sq.m) *** *** ***
排水管道长度(公里) Length of Sewage Pipelines(km) *** *** ***
人工煤气全年供气量(万立方米) Annual Gaswork Supply(10000 cu.m) *** *** ***
  #家庭用量 Consumption of Gaswork for Residential Use *** *** ***
煤气管道长度(公里) Length of Gas Pipelines(km) *** *** ***
液化气全年供气量(吨) Annual Supply of LPG(ton) *** *** ***
  #家庭用量 Residential Consumption of Liquefied Petorleum Gas for Residential Use *** *** ***
燃气普及率(%) Percentage of Population with Access to Gas(%) *** *** ***
集中供热总量(万吉焦) Total Volume of Centralized Heating(10000 gigajoules) *** *** ***
集中供热面积(万平方米) Area of Centralized Heating(10000 sq.m) *** *** ***
绿化覆盖面积(公顷) Green Coverage Areas(hectare) *** *** ***
公园、动物园个数(个) Number of Parks and Zoos(unit) *** *** ***
公园、动物园面积(公顷) Area of Parks and Zoos(hectare) *** *** ***
生活垃圾清运量(万吨) Volume of Garbage Disposal( 10000 ton) *** *** ***
清运粪便(万吨) Volume of Disposal of Excrement and Urine(10000 ton) *** *** ***