宁波统计年鉴 2016,栏目:第四篇 财政 金融 保险 证券>>表4-5 金融机构人民币信贷资金来源主要指标(2015)(年末余额),共1页
表4-5 金融机构人民币信贷资金来源主要指标(2015) |
Indicators of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions - Sources of Funds |
yuan) |
指标 |
Indicators |
2015 |
资金来源总计 |
Total capital source |
*** |
一、各项存款 |
Total deposits |
*** |
(一)境内存款 |
Domestic deposits |
*** |
1.住户存款 |
Residents deposits |
*** |
(1)活期存款 |
Current deposit |
*** |
(2)定期及其他存款 |
Fixed deposit and other deposits |
*** |
其中:结构性存款 |
Among: Structural
deposits |
*** |
保证金存款 |
Margin deposit for security |
*** |
2.非金融企业存款 |
Non- financial business deposit |
*** |
(1)活期存款2 |
Current deposit 2 |
*** |
(2)定期及其他存款2 |
Fixed deposit and other deposits 2 |
*** |
结构性存款1 |
Structural deposits 1 |
*** |
保证金存款1 |
Margin deposit for security 1 |
*** |
3.广义政府存款 |
Generalized public deposits |
*** |
(1)财政性存款 |
Fiscal deposit |
*** |
(2)机关团体存款 |
Institution and group deposits |
*** |
4.非银行业金融机构存款 |
Non - banking financial institutions deposits |
*** |
(二)境外存款 |
Overseas deposits |
*** |
二、金融债券 |
Financial bond |
*** |
其中:境外发行 |
Among: overseas
issuance |
三、卖出回购资产 |
Repurchased assets sales |
*** |
四、借款及非银行业金融机构拆入 |
Loan and money borrowed from financial institutions |
*** |
五、联行往来(净) |
Inter - branches accounts (net) |
*** |
六、应付及暂收款 |
Payables and suspense credits |
*** |
七、各项准备 |
Reserve |
*** |
其中:贷款损失准备金 |
Among:Loan loss
reserves |
*** |
八、所有者权益 |
Owners equity |
*** |
其中:实收资本 |
Among:Paid - up capital |
*** |
九、其他 |
Others |
*** |
注:金融机构包括人民银行、政策性银行、国有商业银行、邮政储蓄银行、股份制商业银行、城市商业银行、农村合作银行、农村信用社、城市信 |
用社、外资银行、村镇银行、信托投资公司、租赁公司、财务公司等。 |
institutions including the peoples Bank of China, policy banks,state-owned
commercial banks, postal savings banks, joint-stock com- |
banks, city commercial banks, rural cooperative banks, rural credit
cooperatives, city credit cooperatives, rural banks, foreign banks, Trust
Invest- |
Company, financial leasing companies etc. |