
云南统计年鉴 2014,栏目:七 农业和农村>>7-1 云南省农村和农业生产基本情况(2009-2013年),共1页

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7-1 云南省农村和农业生产基本情况(2009-2013年) 
Basic Statistics on Rural Areas and Agriculture Production (2009-2013) 
指标 Item 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
农村基层组织情况(个) Rural Grass-roots Units (unit)
  乡镇个数   Number of Townships and Towns *** *** *** *** ***
   #镇个数     Number of Towns *** *** *** *** ***
  村委会个数   Number of Villagers' Committees *** *** *** *** ***
乡村户数及人口 Number of Rural Households and Population
  乡村户数(万户)   Number of Rural Households(10 000 households) *** *** *** *** ***
  乡村人口数(万人)   Rural Population (10 000 persons) *** *** *** *** ***
乡村从业人员(万人)   Number of Rural Employed Persons (10 000 persons) *** *** *** *** ***
  #农业从业人员   Number of Employees Involved in Agriculture *** *** *** *** ***
按人口性别分(万人)   Popucation Grouped by Sex (10 000persons)
      Male *** *** *** *** ***
      Female *** *** *** *** ***
注:1 .乡村总人口是按1984年前的老口径统计,故本表的数字大于人口篇乡村总人口数。乡镇个数中不包括城关镇、街道办事处
Note: a.The total rural population is calculated accolding to original standards before 1984, so the data in this table are larger than the rural
population in chapter on population, since 2001,the data of townships and towns have not included those of urban towns.
b.The employed persons of and post service have calculated including the telecommunication service and unincorperated
the storage before 2003 ;employed persons of wholesale trade .retail trade refers to the employed persons of holesale trade ,retail trade,
food services.wbanking and insurance trades.