
中国文化及相关产业统计年鉴 2015,栏目:6 国际统计资料>>6-9 按产业分类的美国文化从业人员及劳动报酬(2012年),共1页

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Employment and Compensation of Culture by Industry in America(2012) 
产业 Industry 从业人员 劳动报酬 文化艺术
(千人) (百万美元)
Total employment Compensation
(thousands of  
employees) (USD million) ACPSA ACPSA
    employment  compensation
    (thousands of
     employees) (USD million)
合计 Total *** *** *** ***
核心文化艺术生产 Core Arts and Cultural Production *** *** *** ***
表演艺术 Performing Arts *** *** *** ***
独立艺术家,作家和表演者 Independent Artists,Writers,And Performers *** *** *** ***
艺术家经纪人 Agents/Managers For Artists *** *** *** ***
表演艺术推广 Promoters of Performing Arts and Similar events *** *** *** ***
博物馆 Museums *** *** *** ***
广告 Advertising *** *** *** ***
建筑服务 Architectural Services *** *** *** ***
风景园林设计服务 Landscape Architectural Services *** *** *** ***
室内设计服务 Interior Design Services *** *** *** ***
工业设计服务 Industrial Design Services *** *** *** ***
平面设计服务 Graphic Design Services *** *** *** ***
所有其他设计服务 All Other Design Services *** *** *** ***
电脑系统设计 Computer Systems Design *** *** *** ***
摄影与冲印服务 Photography and Photofinishing Services *** *** *** ***
美术教育 Fine Arts Education *** *** *** ***
教育服务 Education Services *** *** *** ***
文化艺术辅助生产 Supporting Arts and Cultural Production *** *** *** ***
租赁 Rental and Leasing *** *** *** ***
其他支持服务 Other Support Services *** *** *** ***
出版 Publishing *** *** *** ***
电影 Motion Pictures *** *** *** ***
录音 Sound Recording *** *** *** ***
广播 Broadcasting *** *** *** ***
其他信息服务 Other Information Services *** *** *** ***
印刷制品生产 Printed Goods Manufacturing *** *** *** ***
珠宝和银器制造 Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing *** *** *** ***
乐器制造 Musical Instruments Manufacturing *** *** *** ***
定制建筑木制品和金属制品制造 Custom Architectural Woodwork and Metalwork *** *** *** ***
照相机和电影设备制造 Camera and Motion Picture Equipment Manufacturing *** *** *** ***
其他产品制造业 Other Goods Manufacturing *** *** *** ***
赠款和赠与服务 Grant-Making And Giving Services *** *** *** ***
工会 Unions *** *** *** ***
政府 Government *** *** *** ***
建筑 Construction *** *** *** ***
批发及运输行业 Wholesale and Transportation Industries *** *** *** ***
零售行业 Retail Industries *** *** *** ***
其他产业 All Other Industries *** *** *** ***
Data Source:BEA.