
甘肃发展年鉴 2015,栏目:统计资料>>21 文化和体育>>21-5 公共图书馆情况,共1页

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Statistics on Public Libraries 
项目 Item 2011 2012 2013 2014
公共图书馆个数(个) Number of Public Library(unit) *** *** *** ***
总藏量(千册件) Total Collections(1000 volumes) *** *** *** ***
#本年新购藏量   Purchased this Year *** *** *** ***
累计发放有效借书证数(个) Accumulative Number of Library Cards Distributed(unit) *** *** *** ***
总流通人次(千人次) Total Number of Circulation(1000 person-times) *** *** *** ***
#书刊文献外借人次   Borrowing from Libraries *** *** *** ***
书刊文献外借册次(千册次) Number of Books and Periodicals Lent to Readers(1000 copies-times) *** *** *** ***
阅览室座席数(个) Seats of Reading Room(unit) *** *** *** ***