
山东统计年鉴 2015,栏目:统计表>>第10篇 居民生活>>10-9 城镇居民可支配收入,共1页

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Disposable Income of Urban Households 
单位:元/人 (yuan/person) 
指标名称 Indicator 2013 2014
可支配收入 Diaposable Income *** ***
一、工资性收入 Income of Wages and Salaries *** ***
    (一)工资   Wage *** ***
    (二)实物福利   Benefits in kind *** ***
    (三)其他   Others *** ***
二、经营净收入 Net Business Income *** ***
    (一)第一产业净收入   Net Income from Primary Industry *** ***
       1.农业     Farming *** ***
       2.林业     Forestry *** ***
       3.牧业     Animal Husbandry *** ***
       4.渔业     Fishery *** ***
    (二)第二产业净收入   Net Income from Second Industry *** ***
    (三)第三产业净收入   Net Income from Teriary Industry *** ***
三、财产净收入   Net Income from Properties *** ***
    (一)利息净收入     Net Income from Interest *** ***
    (二)红利收入     Income from Bonus *** ***
    (三)储蓄性保险净收益     Income from Savings Insurance *** ***
    (四)转让承包土地经营权租金净收入     Net Income from Land Management Rights Transfer *** ***
    (五)出租房屋净收入     Ner Icome from Renting Houses *** ***
    (六)出租其他资产净收入     Ner Icome from Renting Other assets *** ***
    (七)自有住房折算净租金     Income from Net Rent Equivalent to the value of *** ***
       Owned housing
    (八)其他     Others *** ***
四、转移净收入 Net Income from Transfer *** ***
    (一)转移性收入   Income from Transfer *** ***
       1.养老金或离退休金     Old-age Pensions *** ***
       2.社会救济和补助     Relief and Pensions *** ***
       3.惠农补贴     Subsidies for Agriculture from The Government *** ***
       4.政策性生活补贴     Policy-living Allowance *** ***
       5.报销医疗费     Allowance of Medical Expense *** ***
       6.家庭外出从业人员寄回带回收入     Sent Back by Non-permanent Resident *** ***
       7.赡养收入     Alimony Income *** ***
       8.其他经常转移收入     Others *** ***
       9.从政府和组织得到的实物产品和服务折价     Equivalent Monetary value of Physical products and services *** ***
       from The Government and other Organizations
    (二)转移性支出   Expenditure for Transfers *** ***
       1.个人所得税     Personal Income Tax *** ***
       2.社会保障支出     Social Security Expenditure *** ***
       3.外来从业人员寄给家人的支出     Sent to Familiy by Outland Employees *** ***
       4.赡养支出     Alimony Expense *** ***
       5.其他经常转移支出     Others *** ***