
重庆统计年鉴 2015,栏目:第19章 卫生 体育和其他社会活动>>表19.7 民政事业情况(2013-2014年),共1页

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Statistics on Civil Affairs(2013-2014) 
指标 Item 2013 2014
民政经费支出(万元) Expenditure for Civil Affairs(10 000 yuan) *** ***
城市居民最低生活保障人数(万人) Number of Persons Receiving Minimum Living Allowance in Urban
Areas(10000 persons)
*** ***
农村居民最低生活保障人数(万人) Number of Persons Receiving Minimum Living Allowance in Rural
Areas(10000 persons)
*** ***
农村五保供养人数(万人) Number of Persons Receiving Livelihood Guaranteed in Five
Aspects in Rural Areas(10000person)
*** ***
Number of Persons Receiving Minimum Living Allowance in Urban
Areas as Percentage to Total Non-agricultural Population(%)
*** ***
提供住宿的社会服务机构床位数(张) Number of Beds in the Social Service Institutions Providing
*** ***
福利企业职工人数(人) Number of Staff and Workers in Welfare Enterprises(person) *** ***
  #残疾职工     Disabled Staff and Workers *** ***
城镇便民、利民服务网点(个) Number of Service Stations for Urban Residents(unit) *** ***
福利彩票销售额(万元) Sales of Welfare Lotteries(10000 yuan) *** ***