
重庆统计年鉴 2015,栏目:第18章 教育 科技和文化业>>表18.37 产品质量监督抽查情况(2014年),共1页

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Results of Sampling Check under Supervision on the Quality of Products(2014) 
产品名称 Name of Product 监督检验
Number of
Number of
Number of
Conforming Batches
Rate of
Conforming Batches
总计 Total *** *** *** ***
食品包装容器工具 Food Packaging,Containers and Tools *** *** *** ***
食品用化工产品 Chemicals for Food Use *** *** *** ***
食品加工设备 Food Processing Equipment *** *** *** ***
纺织品 Textile Products *** *** *** ***
服装 Garments *** *** *** ***
鞋类 Footwear *** *** *** ***
家用纸制品 Paper Products for Household Use *** *** *** ***
婴幼儿用品 Baby Products *** *** *** ***
家用和类似用途电器 Electrical Appliances for Household and Similar Use *** *** *** ***
燃气用具 Gas Appliances *** *** *** ***
日用电器 Electrical Appliances for Daily Use *** *** *** ***
眼镜 Glasses *** *** *** ***
日用化工品 Daily Chemicals *** *** *** ***
通用电器产品 General Electrical Appliances *** *** *** ***
皮革制品 Leather Products *** *** *** ***
家具 Furniture *** *** *** ***
其它日用消费品 Other Products for Daily Use *** *** *** ***
铝合金建筑型材 Aluminum Alloy Building Profile *** *** *** ***
塑料型材 Plastic Profile *** *** *** ***
水泥 Cement *** *** *** ***
水泥制品、混凝土制品 Cement and Concrete Products *** *** *** ***
墙体材料 Wall Materials *** *** *** ***
建筑防水材料 Water-proof Building Material *** *** *** ***
建筑钢材 Structural Steel *** *** *** ***
人造板 Artificial Slabs *** *** *** ***
电缆电线 Cables and Wires *** *** *** ***
胶粘剂 Adhesive *** *** *** ***
油漆涂料 Paint *** *** *** ***
塑料管材及管件 Plastic Pipes and Fittings *** *** *** ***
建筑门窗 Building Doors and Windows *** *** *** ***
建筑保温材料 Building Thermal Insulation Materials *** *** *** ***
建筑脚手架钢管扣件 Steel Scaffold Fastener of Buildings *** *** *** ***
其他建筑装修材料 Other Building and Decoration Materials *** *** *** ***
肥料 Chemical Fertilizers *** *** *** ***
农药 Pesticides *** *** *** ***
农业机械 Agricultural Machinery *** *** *** ***
农用薄膜 Film for Agricultural Use *** *** *** ***
包装产品(不含食品包装物、危化品包装物) Packing Products(excluding packing of food and dangerous products) *** *** *** ***
电工器材及电力设备 Electrician Apparatus and Electric Equipment *** *** *** ***
工业用化工产品 Chemicals for Industrial Use *** *** *** ***
机械电子产品 Machinery and Electronic Products *** *** *** ***
能源产品 Energy Products *** *** *** ***
消防器材(消火栓) Fire-fighting Apparatus(Fire Hydrant) *** *** *** ***
劳动防护用品 Labor Protection Articles *** *** *** ***
救生设备 Life Saving Equipment *** *** *** ***
摩擦、密封材料 Friction and Sealing Material *** *** *** ***
冶金产品 Metallurgic Products *** *** *** ***
工业用橡胶制品 Rubber Products for Industrial Use *** *** *** ***
工业用塑料制品 Plastic Products for Industrial Use *** *** *** ***
工业用玻璃制品 Glass Products for Industrial Use *** *** *** ***
安全防范产品 Products for Safety *** *** *** ***
广播电视传输设备 Radio and TV Transmission Equipment *** *** *** ***
通用设备 General Equipment *** *** *** ***
其它工业生产资料 Other Industrial Means of Production *** *** *** ***
车用防冻液 Anti-freeze Fluid for Automobiles *** *** *** ***
托盘搬运车 Pallet Trucks *** *** *** ***
机动车灯具 Luminaire of Automobiles *** *** *** ***
汽车摩托车用制动器衬片 Brake Linings of Automobiles and Motorcycles *** *** *** ***
汽车摩托车点火线圈 Ignition Coil for Automobiles and Motorcycles *** *** *** ***
汽车摩托车液压制动软管总成 Hydropower Braking Hose Assembly of Automobiles and Motorcycles *** *** *** ***
汽车及摩托车低压线及线束 Low-tension Wire and Wire Harness of Automobiles and Motorcycles *** *** *** ***
汽车内饰件 Interior Decoration of Automobiles *** *** *** ***
汽车 Automobiles *** *** *** ***
摩托车 Motorcycles *** *** *** ***
发动机 Engines *** *** *** ***
Other Components and Fittings of Automobiles and Motorcycles
(Motorcycle Engines,Automobile Safety Belt,Rearview Mirror,
Horn,Door Lock and Hinge,Petroleum Tank,Seat and Headrest
and Reflectors)
*** *** *** ***
电信终端设备 Telecommunication Terminal Equipment *** *** *** ***
信息技术设备 IT Equipment *** *** *** ***
其它电子信息类产品 Other Electronic Information Products *** *** *** ***
包装桶(袋) Packing Bucket(Bag) *** *** *** ***
玻璃钢罐体 FRP Tank *** *** *** ***
烟花爆竹 Firecrackers *** *** *** ***
其他危化品 Other Dangerous Chemicals *** *** *** ***
力学计量器具 Mechanics Metering Devices *** *** *** ***
其他 Others *** *** *** ***
Note:The results of sample survey in commodity circulation are not included in the data above.