
重庆统计年鉴 2015,栏目:第18章 教育 科技和文化业>>表18.7 各级学校入学率及升学率(2013-2014年),共1页

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Net Enrollment Ratio and Promotion Rate of Schools by Level(2013-2014) 
单位:% (%) 
指标 Item 2013 2014
小学学龄儿童入学率 Net Enrollment Ratio of Primary Schools *** ***
初中适龄人口入学率 Net Enrollment Ratio of Junior Secondary Schools *** ***
高中阶段毛入学率 Gross Enrollment Ratio of Senior Secondary Schools *** ***
高等教育毛入学率 Gross Enrollment Ratio of Higher Education *** ***
初中毕业生升学率 Promotion Rate of Junior Secondary School Graduates *** ***
  #升普通高中     To Regular Senior Secondary Schools *** ***
小学毕业生升学率 Promotion Rate of Primary School Graduates *** ***