
重庆统计年鉴 2015,栏目:第5章 能源消费>>表5.5 能源消费弹性系数(1985-2014年),共1页

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Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption(1985-2014) 
年份 能源消费比上年增长% 本市生产总值比上年增长% 能源消费弹性系数
Year Growth Rate of
Energy Consumption
over Preceding Year(%)
Growth Rate of GDP
over Preceding Year(%)
Elasticity Ratio of
Energy Consumption
1985 *** *** ***
1986 *** *** ***
1987 *** *** ***
1988 *** *** ***
1989 *** *** ***
1990 *** *** ***
1991 *** *** ***
1992 *** *** ***
1993 *** *** ***
1994 *** *** ***
1995 *** *** ***
1996 *** *** ***
1997 *** *** ***
1998 *** *** ***
1999 *** *** ***
2000 *** *** ***
2001 *** *** ***
2002 *** *** ***
2003 *** *** ***
2004 *** *** ***
2005 *** *** ***
2006 *** *** ***
2007 *** *** ***
2008 *** *** ***
2009 *** *** ***
2010 *** *** ***
2011 *** *** ***
2012 *** *** ***
2013 *** *** ***
2014 *** *** ***
Note:The growth rate of energy consumption is calculated at equivalent value,while the growth rate of GDP is calculated at comparable prices.