天津滨海新区统计年鉴 2014,栏目:第九篇 人民生活 社会事业和其他>>9-7 城镇社区服务情况,共1页
9-7城镇社区服务情况 |
Basic Statistics on
Urban Community Service |
指标 |
Item |
单位 Unit |
2012 |
2013 |
城镇社区服务设施数 |
Number of Urban Welfare Facilities |
个 unit |
*** |
*** |
社区从业人员 |
Number of Employment Personnel |
人 person |
*** |
*** |
社区服务志愿者人数 |
Number of Service Volunteers in Community |
万人 10000 persons |
*** |
*** |
城镇社区服务中心 |
Urban Community Service Centers |
个 unit |
*** |
*** |
单位数 |
Number of Units |
个 unit |
*** |
*** |
年末职工人数 |
Number of
Year-end Staff and Workers |
A person |
*** |
*** |
活动项目数 |
Number of Project
Activities |
个 unit |
*** |
*** |
#老年人照料项目 |
Projects of Taking Care of Senile Citizens |
个 unit |
*** |
*** |
资料来源:天津市滨海新区民政局。 |
Tianjin Binhai New Area Bureau of Civil Affairs. |
注:因街镇行政区划调整,相应的社区服务设施数有所变化。 |
Number of urban welfare facilities changed because of the adjustment of
administrative divisions. |