长春统计年鉴 2014,栏目:统计资料>>财政>>6-2 2013年全市地方级财政收入及一般预算财政支出,共1页
6-2 2013年全市地方级财政收入及一般预算财政支出 |
单位:万元 |
Absolute number |
Increasing rate
year on year |
一、税收收入 |
Revenue Income |
*** |
*** |
增值税 |
Value added tax |
*** |
*** |
营业税 |
Business tax |
*** |
*** |
企业所得税 |
Enterprises income tax |
*** |
*** |
企业所得税退税 |
Income tax rebate |
个人所得税 |
Individual income tax |
*** |
*** |
资源税 |
Resourcex Tax |
*** |
*** |
固定资产投资方向调节税 |
Fixed assets investment adjustment tax |
城市维护建设税 |
Tax on the city maintenance and construction |
*** |
*** |
房产税 |
Tax on real estate |
*** |
*** |
印花税 |
Stamp tax |
*** |
*** |
城镇土地使用税 |
Tax on use of urban land |
*** |
*** |
土地增值税 |
Land value-added tax |
*** |
*** |
车船税 |
Tax on the use of vehicles and ships |
*** |
*** |
耕地占用税 |
Tax on the use of cultivated land |
*** |
*** |
契税 |
Contract tax |
*** |
*** |
烟叶税 |
Tabacoo leaf tax |
*** |
*** |
其他税收收入 |
Other Income |
二、非税收入 |
Non-yevenue Income |
*** |
*** |
专项收入 |
Special income |
*** |
*** |
行政事业性收费收入 |
Income aom administrative fees |
*** |
*** |
罚没收入 |
Penalty and confiscafe income |
*** |
*** |
国有资本经营收入 |
State-owned assets income |
*** |
*** |
国有资源(资产)有偿使用收入 |
State resources inlome |
*** |
*** |
其他收入 |
Others |
*** |
*** |
本年收入合计 |
Total |
*** |
*** |