
上海浦东新区统计年鉴 2014,栏目:第十三篇 人民生活>>表13-8 主要年份城乡居民收支情况,共1页

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Income and Expenditure of Urban and Suburban Residents in Main Years 
指标 Indicators 2010 2011 2012 2013
城镇居民人均可支配收 Disposable Income of Urban Residents *** *** *** ***
  工资性收入 Wage Income *** *** *** ***
  经营净收入 Operational Income *** *** *** ***
  财产性收入 Property Income *** *** *** ***
  转移性收入 Transferable Income *** *** *** ***
城镇居民人均消费支出 Total Expenses Per Capita

of Urban Residents
*** *** *** ***
  食品 Foodstuff *** *** *** ***
  衣着 Clothing *** *** *** ***
  家庭设备用品及服务 Family Appliances and Services *** *** *** ***
  医疗保健 Medical Care *** *** *** ***
  交通和通信 Traffic and Communications *** *** *** ***
  教育文化娱乐服务 Education, Culture and Amusement

*** *** *** ***
  居住 Habitation *** *** *** ***
  其他商品及服务 Miscellaneous Commodities and

*** *** *** ***
社会保障支出 Social Security Expenses *** *** *** ***
农村居民人均可支配收 Disposable Income of Suburban Residents *** *** *** ***
  工资性收入 Wage Income *** *** *** ***
  经营净收入 Operational Income *** *** *** ***
  财产性收入 Property Income *** *** *** ***
  转移性收入 Transferable Income *** *** *** ***