
天津滨海新区统计年鉴 2013,栏目:第九篇 人民生活 社会事业和其他>>9-15 劳动争议处理情况,共1页

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The Disposal of Labour Disputes 
项目 Item 2011 2012
上期未结案数 Number of Cases Left Over from Last Period *** ***
案件受理情况 Cases Accepted
  当期案件受理数 Number of Cases *** ***
  劳动者当事人数(人) Number of Persons Involved (person) *** ***
案件处理情况 Cases Settled
  结案数 Number of Cases Settled *** ***
  按处理方式分 By Manners of Settlement
    仲裁调解 Mediation *** ***
    仲裁裁决 Arbitration Lawsuit *** ***
    其他方式 Others *** ***
  按处理结果分 By Results of Settlement
    用人单位胜诉 Won by Units *** ***
    劳动者胜诉 Won by Labours *** ***
    双方部分胜诉 Partly by Both Parties *** ***
    其他 Others *** ***
本期未结案数 Number of Cases Unsettled *** ***
Source: Tainjin Binhai New Area Human Resources & Social Security Bureau.