上海浦东新区统计年鉴 2013,栏目:第十八篇 重点开发区和镇>>表18-2 金桥出口加工区主要经济指标,共1页
表18-2金桥出口加工区主要经济指标 |
Economic Indicators in Jinqiao Export Processing Zone |
指标 Indicators |
单位Unit |
2011 |
2012 |
税收总额(税务部门口径) |
Total Amount of Tax Revenues |
(from the Tax Departments) |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
地方财政收人 |
Local Fiscal Revenue |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
固定资产投资额 |
Investment in Fixed Assets |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
#房地产开发投资额 |
Investment in Real Estate |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
工业投资额 |
Investment in Industries |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
房地产新开工面积 |
Floor Space of New Construction of Buildings |
万平方米10 000 sq·m |
*** |
*** |
房地产竣工面积 |
Floor Space of Completed Buildings |
万平方米10 000 sq·m |
*** |
外商直接投资项目 |
Projects of Foreign Direct Investment |
个 unit |
*** |
*** |
外商直接投资合同金额 |
Contracted Amount of Foreign Direct Investment |
亿美元 USD 100 million |
*** |
*** |
外商直接投资实际到位金额 |
Actual Paid Amount of Foreign Direct Investment |
亿美元 USD 100 million |
*** |
*** |
新增内资企业注册户数 |
Number of New Domestic Enterprises Registered |
个 unit |
*** |
*** |
新增内资企业注册资本 |
Capital of New Domestic Enterprises Registered |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
工业总产值 |
Gross Value of Industrial Output |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
#高技术产业产值 |
Output Value of High-tech Industries |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
工业重点发展行业产值 |
Output Value of Key Industrial Sectors |
for Development |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
#电子信息产品制造业 |
Manufacturing of Electronic and |
Information Products |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
汽车制造业 |
Automobile Industry |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
成套设备制造业 |
Manufacturing of Complete Equipment |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
生物医药制造业 |
Manufacturing of Biological Medicine |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
工业出口交货值 |
Delivery Value of Industrial Exports |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
生产性服务业经营收入 |
Operating Income of Productive Services |
亿元 100 million yuan |
*** |
*** |
期末从业人员数 |
Number of Employed Persons at End of Term |
万人 10 000 persoms |
*** |
注:工业总产值为规模以上口径。后续相关指标口径相同。 |
The gross value of industrial output has the approach for enterprises with
above-certain scales. The relevant indicators hereinafter have the same sta- |
tistical approach. |