
上海浦东新区统计年鉴 2013,栏目:第十八篇 重点开发区和镇>>表18-2 金桥出口加工区主要经济指标,共1页

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Major Economic Indicators in Jinqiao Export Processing Zone 
指标 Indicators 单位Unit 2011 2012
  税收总额(税务部门口径) Total Amount of Tax Revenues
(from the Tax Departments) 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
  地方财政收人 Local Fiscal Revenue 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
  固定资产投资额 Investment in Fixed Assets 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
     #房地产开发投资额 Investment in Real Estate 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
      工业投资额 Investment in Industries 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
  房地产新开工面积 Floor Space of New Construction of Buildings 万平方米10 000 sq·m *** ***
  房地产竣工面积 Floor Space of Completed Buildings 万平方米10 000 sq·m ***
  外商直接投资项目 Projects of Foreign Direct Investment 个 unit *** ***
  外商直接投资合同金额 Contracted Amount of Foreign Direct Investment 亿美元 USD 100 million *** ***
  外商直接投资实际到位金额 Actual Paid Amount of Foreign Direct Investment 亿美元 USD 100 million *** ***
  新增内资企业注册户数 Number of New Domestic Enterprises Registered 个 unit *** ***
  新增内资企业注册资本 Capital of New Domestic Enterprises Registered 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
  工业总产值 Gross Value of Industrial Output 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
     #高技术产业产值 Output Value of High-tech Industries 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
  工业重点发展行业产值 Output Value of Key Industrial Sectors
for Development 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
     #电子信息产品制造业 Manufacturing of Electronic and
Information Products 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
      汽车制造业 Automobile Industry 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
      成套设备制造业 Manufacturing of Complete Equipment 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
      生物医药制造业 Manufacturing of Biological Medicine 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
  工业出口交货值 Delivery Value of Industrial Exports 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
  生产性服务业经营收入 Operating Income of Productive Services 亿元 100 million yuan *** ***
  期末从业人员数 Number of Employed Persons at End of Term 万人 10 000 persoms   ***
Note: The gross value of industrial output has the approach for enterprises with above-certain scales. The relevant indicators hereinafter have the same sta-
tistical approach.