温州统计年鉴 2013,栏目:附录>>附录1-1 全国行政区划 自然资源概况(2011年),共1页
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附录1-1 全国行政区划、自然资源概况(2011年) |
of Administrative Areas and Natural Conditions of China (2011) |
指标 |
Item |
Quantity |
地级区划数(个) |
Number of Regions at Prefecture Level |
*** |
#地级市 |
Cities at Prefecture Level |
*** |
县级区划数(个) |
Number of Regions at County Level |
*** |
#县级市 |
Cities at County Level |
*** |
#市辖区 |
Districts Under the Jurisdiction of Cities |
*** |
乡镇级区划数(个) |
Number of Regions at Township Level |
*** |
#街道办事处 |
Street Communities |
*** |
#镇 |
Towns |
*** |
国土面积(万平方公里) |
Area of Territory (10000 sq. km) |
*** |
海域面积(万平方公里) |
Area of Sea (10000 sq. km) |
*** |
岸线总长度(公里) |
Length of Coastline (km) |
*** |
大陆岸线长度 |
Mainland Shore |
*** |
岛屿岸线长度 |
Island Shore |
*** |
耕地面积(万公顷) |
Area of Cultivated Land (10000 hectares) |
*** |
荒地面积(万公顷) |
Area of Undeveloped Land (10000 hectares) |
*** |
#宜农荒地面积 |
Useable for Agricultural Production |
*** |
林业用地面积(万公顷) |
Area of Afforested Land |
*** |
#宜林荒山荒地面积 |
Undeveloped Land Usable for Afforestation |
*** |
草原面积(万公顷) |
Area of Afforested Land (10000 hectares) |
*** |
#可利用草地面积 |
Utilizable Area |
*** |
活木总蓄积量(亿立方米) |
Total Standing Stock Volume (100 million cu.m) |
*** |
森林面积(万公顷) |
Forest Area (10000 hectares) |
*** |
森林蓄积量(亿立方米) |
Stock Volume of Forest (100 million cu. m) |
*** |
森林覆盖率(%) |
Forest - coverage Rate ( % ) |
*** |
大陆地表水资源总量(亿立方米) |
Surface Water Volume of Mainland (100 million cu. m) |
*** |
大陆水力资源蕴藏量(亿千瓦) |
Hydropower Resources of Mainland (100 million kw) |
*** |
#可开发量 |
Developable Resources |
*** |
内陆水域总面积(万公顷) |
Inland Water Area (10000 hectares) |
*** |
#可养殖面积 |
Cultivatable Area |
*** |
海洋能源理论蕴藏量(亿千瓦) |
Theoretical Sea - energy Reserves (100 million kw) |
*** |
滩涂面积(万平方公里) |
Sea - beach Area (10000 sq. km) |
*** |
海水可养殖面积(万公顷) |
Cultivatable Area in Marine Areas (10000 hectares) |
*** |
浅海滩涂可养殖面积(万公顷) |
Cultivable Area in Shallow Sea and Sea-beaches (10000
hectares) |
*** |
注:本资料根据《中国统计年鉴-2012》整理,即为2011年数据。 |
in this table are collected from the China Statistical Yearbook 2012, which
means they are data for 2011. |