
重庆统计年鉴 2013,栏目:第19章 卫生 体育和其他社会活动>>表19.5 卫生机构各类人员数(2011-2012年),共1页

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Number of Employed Persons in Health Institutions(2011-2012) 
单位:人、% (person,%) 
人员分类 Type of Personnel 人数 构成
Personnel Composition
2011 2012 2011 2012
总计 Total *** *** *** ***
卫生技术人员 Medical Technical Personnel *** *** *** ***
    执业医师     Licensed Doctors *** *** *** ***
    执业助理医师     Licensed Assistant Doctors *** *** *** ***
    注册护士     Registered Nurses *** *** *** ***
    药师(士)     Pharmacists *** *** *** ***
  技师(士)     Technical Workers *** *** *** ***
  其他人员     Others *** *** *** ***
其他技术人员 Other Technical Personnel *** *** *** ***
管理人员 Management Personnel *** *** *** ***
工勤人员 Logistics Workers *** *** *** ***
每万人口拥有卫生技术人员 Number of Medical Technical Personnel per
10 000 Population
*** ***
  #执业(助理)医师     Licensed(Assistant)Doctors *** ***    
Note:Due to the change of statistic scope,the data of medical technical personnel,licensed doctors,licensed assistant doctors,registered nurses,number of medical technical personnel per
          10 000 population and licensed(assistant)doctors include the data of village health stations in 2011.The data above in 2010 are adjusted data.