
重庆统计年鉴 2013,栏目:第18章 教育 科技和文化业>>表18.35 艺术表演团体演出情况(2012年),共1页

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Basic Statistics on Performance of Art Troupes(2012) 
种类 Item 国内演出场数
Number of
Performances in China
(10 000show)
Number of Spectators
of the Performances in China
(10 000 person-times)
总计 Total *** ***
按登记注册类型分 By Registration
国有 State-owned *** ***
集体 Collective-owned
其他 Others *** ***
按剧种分 By Art Troupes
话剧、儿童剧、滑稽剧团 Drama,Plays for Children and Comedy Troupes *** ***
歌剧、舞剧、歌舞剧团 Opera,Dance Drama and Song and Dance Drama
*** ***
歌舞团、轻音乐团 Song and Dance Troupes,Light Music Troupes *** ***
文工团、宣传队、乌兰牧骑 Cultural and Performance Troupes and
Ulanmuchi(equestrian art troupes)
*** ***
乐团、合唱团 Philharmonic and Chorus Troupes *** ***
戏曲剧团 Local Opera Troupes *** ***
  #京剧     Beijing Opera Troupes *** ***
曲艺、杂技、木偶、皮影团 Recitation and Ballad Troupes,Acrobatics and
Circus Troupes,Puppet Show Troupes,and
Shadow Play Troupes
*** ***
综合性艺术表演团体 General Art Performing Troupes *** ***
Note:the scope of art performance troupes includes the troupes either inside or outside the public-owned system.