重庆统计年鉴 2013,栏目:第13章 建筑业>>表13.2 建筑业企业房屋施工及竣工面积(2011-2012年),共1页
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13-2建筑业企业房屋施工及竣工面积(2011-2012年) |
Space of Buildings under Construction and Completed by Construction
Enterprises(2011-2012) |
指标 |
Item |
2011 |
2012 |
房屋建筑施工面积(万平方米) |
Floor Space of Buildings under
Construction(10 000 sq.m) |
*** |
*** |
#本年新开工面积 |
Floor Space of
Buildings Newly Started This Year |
*** |
*** |
#实行投标承包面积 |
Floor Space
Contracted by Bidding |
*** |
*** |
#本年新开工 |
Started This Year |
*** |
*** |
房屋建筑竣工面积(万平方米) |
Floor Space of Buildings Completed(10 000 sq.m) |
*** |
*** |
住宅房屋 |
Residential Buildings |
*** |
*** |
商业及服务用房屋 |
Buildings for Business and Services |
*** |
*** |
#批发和零售业用房 |
Buildings for Wholesale and Retail |
*** |
*** |
住宿和餐饮业用房 |
Buildings for Hotels and Catering Services |
*** |
*** |
居民服务业用房 |
Buildings for Residential Services |
*** |
*** |
办公用房 |
Office Buildings |
*** |
*** |
科研、教育、医疗用房屋 |
Buildings for Scientific Research、Education、Medical |
*** |
*** |
#科学研究用房屋 |
Buildings for Scientific Research |
*** |
*** |
教育用房屋 |
Buildings for Education |
*** |
*** |
医疗用房屋(卫生医疗用房) |
Buildings for Health and Medical Cares |
*** |
*** |
文化、体育和娱乐用房 |
Buildings for Culture,Sports and Entertainment |
*** |
*** |
厂房及建筑物 |
Works and Buildings |
*** |
*** |
#厂房 |
Works |
*** |
*** |
仓库 |
Warehouses |
*** |
*** |
其他未列明的房屋建筑物 |
Other Buildings |
*** |
*** |