
陕西统计年鉴 2013,栏目:十二 农业>>12-7 农林牧渔业分项产值,共1页

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 Gross Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by Item 
单位:万元 (10 000 yuan) 
指标 Item 2010 2011 2012
农林牧渔业总产值 Gross Output Value of Agriculture,Forestry, *** *** ***
  Animal Husbandry and Fishery
一、农业总产值 Output Value of Farming *** *** ***
    #粮食作物     Grain *** *** ***
  (一)谷物及其他作物 Cereals and Other Crops *** *** ***
     1.谷物      Cereal *** *** ***
     2.薯类      Tubers *** *** ***
     3.豆类      Beans *** *** ***
     4.油料      Oil-bearing *** *** ***
     5.棉花      Cotton *** *** ***
     6.麻类      Fiber Crops *** *** ***
     7.糖料      Sugar Crops *** *** ***
     8.烟草      Tobacco *** *** ***
     9.其他农作物      Others *** *** ***
  (二)蔬菜、园艺作物 Vegetables Gardening Crops *** *** ***
     #1.蔬菜     Vegetables *** *** ***
       2.花卉     Flowers *** *** ***
  (三)水果、坚果、茶叶和香料作物 Fruits,Nuts Tea and Spices Crops *** *** ***
     #1.水果     Fruits *** *** ***
         #园林水果     Garden Fruit *** *** ***
           #苹果        Apples *** *** ***
          果用瓜类     Melon *** *** ***
      2.坚果     Nuts *** *** ***
      3.茶叶     Tea *** *** ***
      4.香料作物     Spices Crops *** *** ***
  (四)中药材 Chinese Herbal Medicines *** *** ***
二、林业产值 Output Value of Forestry *** *** ***
  (一)林木的培育和种植 Cultivation and Planting of Trees *** *** ***
  (二)竹木采运 Logging andTransport of Bamboo *** *** ***
  (三)林产品 Forestry Products *** *** ***
三、牧业产值 Output Value of Animal Husbandry *** *** ***
  (一)牲畜的饲养 Stock Breeding *** *** ***
    1.牛的饲养     Cattle *** *** ***
    2.羊的饲养     Sheep *** *** ***
    3.其他牲畜饲养     Others *** *** ***
    4.奶产品     Milk Products *** *** ***
    5.毛绒产品 Feather and Cashmere Products *** *** ***
  (二)猪的饲养 Pigs Breeding *** *** ***
  (三)家禽 Poultry Breeding *** *** ***
     #禽蛋     Egg *** *** ***
  (四)狩猎和捕捉动物 Animal Hunting and Trapping *** *** ***
  (五)其它畜牧业 Other Animal Husbandry *** *** ***
四、渔业产值 Output Value of Fishery *** *** ***
五、农林牧渔服务业 Service in Support of Agriculture *** *** ***
a)Data in this table are calculated at producer's price.
b)Because the changes of national accounts,forestry Products exclude walnuts,chestnuts and pepper etc.