
重庆调查年鉴 2012,栏目:(三)市场物价>>3-12 农产品生产价格指数(2003-2011年),共1页

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3-12 农产品生产价格指数(2003-2011年) 
Producers' Price Indices of Farm Products (2003-2011) 
preceding year=100 
指数 Index 2003年 2004年 2005年 2006年
农产品生产价格指数 Producers' Price Indices of Farm Products *** *** *** ***
农业产品 Planting Products *** *** *** ***
  谷物 Cereal *** *** *** ***
    小麦 Wheat *** *** *** ***
    稻谷 Rice *** *** *** ***
    玉米 Corn *** *** *** ***
    薯类 Tubers *** *** *** ***
  油料 Oil-bearing Crops *** *** *** ***
    油菜籽 Rapeseeds *** *** *** ***
    大豆 Beans *** *** *** ***
  未加工烟草 Raw Tobacco *** *** *** ***
  蔬菜 Vegetables *** *** *** ***
    叶菜类 Leafy Vegetables *** *** *** ***
    瓜菜类 Melons as Vegetables *** *** *** ***
    根茎类 Root, Tuber Vegetables *** *** *** ***
    茄果类 Eggplant Fruit *** *** *** ***
    葱蒜类 Garlic & Chives Kind *** *** *** ***
    豆类 Vegetable Bean *** *** *** ***
    水生菜类 Water Lettuce *** *** *** ***
  水果 Fruits *** *** *** ***
    柑橘类 Citrus *** *** *** ***
林业产品 Forestry Products *** ***
饲养动物及其产品 Animal Husbandry Products *** *** *** ***
  Cattle and Buffaloes *** *** *** ***
  Sheep and Goats *** *** *** ***
  活猪 Pig *** *** *** ***
  活家禽 Poultry *** *** *** ***
  禽蛋 Eggs *** *** *** ***
渔业产品 Fishery Products *** *** *** ***
  养殖淡水鱼 Breeding Freshwater Fish
  捕捞淡水鱼 Fishing Freshwater Fish        
Note: According to the new "Farm Products Value and The Comprehensive Statistics Report Forms System of Price", the "Poultry (gross weight)" index
changed to "Poultry", the original "Freshwater Fish" index changed to "Breeding Freshwater Fish" and "Fishing Freshwater Fish". The data of 2011
uses new index, 2010 and before use old index. (the same below)