
天津滨海新区统计年鉴 2012,栏目:第七篇 国内贸易>>7-1 社会消费品零售总额及增长速度(1993-2011年),共1页

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Total Retail Sales and Increase Rate of Consumer Goods,1993-2011 
单位:亿元、% (100 million yuan;%) 
年份 社会消费品零售总额 增长速度
Total Retail Sales Increase Rate
Year of Consumer Goods  
1993 ***
1994 *** ***
1995 *** ***
1996 *** ***
1997 *** ***
1998 *** ***
1999 *** ***
2000 *** ***
2001 *** ***
2002 *** ***
2003 *** ***
2004 *** ***
2005 *** ***
2006 *** ***
2007 *** ***
2008 *** ***
2009 *** ***
2010 *** ***
2011 *** ***
Note:Data before 2005 have ajusted according to the economic census
      in 2004 and request of National Bureau of Statistics.