宁波统计年鉴 2012,栏目:第十篇 国内贸易 餐饮业>>表10-17 个体工商业情况(2011),共1页
表10-17个体工商业情况(2011) |
Statistics of Individual Industry and Commerce |
指标 |
Indicators |
全市期末实有 |
其中of Which |
Total at The End
of This Year |
本期开业 |
城镇 |
Openning for
This Term |
Districts |
户数(户) |
Number of Households(unit) |
*** |
*** |
*** |
农、林、牧、渔业 |
Farming.Forestry.Animal Husbandry and Fishery |
*** |
*** |
*** |
采矿业 |
Mining and Quarrying Industry |
*** |
*** |
*** |
制造业 |
Manufacturing Industry |
*** |
*** |
*** |
电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业 |
Electric Power,Gas and Water Production and Supply |
*** |
*** |
*** |
建筑业 |
Construction |
*** |
*** |
*** |
交通运输业、仓储和邮政业 |
Transportation and Warehousing |
*** |
*** |
*** |
信息传输、计算机服务和软件业 |
Information Transmission,Computer Service and Software
Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
批发和零售业 |
Wholesale and Retail Trade |
*** |
*** |
*** |
住宿和餐饮业 |
Hotel and Catering Trade |
*** |
*** |
*** |
房地产业 |
Real Estate Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
租赁和商务服务业 |
Leasing and Business Service Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
居民服务和其它服务业 |
Resident Service and Other Service Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
卫生、社会保障和社会福利业 |
Health Care,Social Security and Social Welfare |
*** |
*** |
*** |
文化、体育和娱乐业 |
Culture,Sports and Entertainment |
*** |
*** |
*** |
其它行业 |
Others |
*** |
*** |
*** |
从业人员(人) |
Emplyment Personnel(person) |
*** |
*** |
*** |
农、林、牧、渔业 |
Farming.Forestry.Animal Husbandry and Fishery |
*** |
*** |
*** |
采矿业 |
Mining and Quarrying Industry |
*** |
*** |
*** |
制造业 |
Manufacturing Industry |
*** |
*** |
*** |
电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业 |
Electric Power,Gas and Water Production and Supply |
*** |
*** |
*** |
建筑业 |
Construction |
*** |
*** |
*** |
交通运输业、仓储和邮政业 |
Transportation and Warehousing |
*** |
*** |
*** |
信息传输、计算机服务和软件业 |
Information Transmission,Computer Service and Software
Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
批发和零售业 |
Wholesale and Retail Trade |
*** |
*** |
*** |
住宿和餐饮业 |
Hotel and Catering Trade |
*** |
*** |
*** |
房地产业 |
Real Estate Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
租赁和商务服务业 |
Leasing and Business Service Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
居民服务和其它服务业 |
Resident Service and Other Service Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
卫生、社会保障和社会福利业 |
Health Care,Social Security and Social Welfare |
*** |
*** |
*** |
文化、体育和娱乐业 |
Culture,Sports and Entertainment |
*** |
*** |
*** |
其它行业 |
Others |
*** |
*** |
*** |
注册资金(万元) |
Registered Capital(10000 Yuan) |
*** |
*** |
*** |
农、林、牧、渔业 |
Farming.Forestry.Animal Husbandry and Fishery |
*** |
*** |
*** |
采矿业 |
Mining and Quarrying Industry |
*** |
*** |
*** |
制造业 |
Manufacturing Industry |
*** |
*** |
*** |
电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业 |
Electric Power,Gas and Water Production and Supply |
*** |
*** |
*** |
建筑业 |
Construction |
*** |
*** |
*** |
交通运输业、仓储和邮政业 |
Transportation and Warehousing |
*** |
*** |
*** |
信息传输、计算机服务和软件业 |
Information Transmission,Computer Service and Software
Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
批发和零售业 |
Wholesale and Retail Trade |
*** |
*** |
*** |
住宿和餐饮业 |
Hotel and Catering Trade |
*** |
*** |
*** |
房地产业 |
Real Estate Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
租赁和商务服务业 |
Leasing and Business Service Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
居民服务和其它服务业 |
Resident Service and Other Service Industries |
*** |
*** |
*** |
卫生、社会保障和社会福利业 |
Health Care,Social Security and Social Welfare |
*** |
*** |
*** |
文化、体育和娱乐业 |
Culture,Sports and Entertainment |
*** |
*** |
*** |
其它行业 |
Others |
*** |
*** |
*** |
注:本表数据来自于宁波市工商行政管理局。 |
in this table are obtained from Ningbo Administration for
Industry&Commerce. |