
天津统计年鉴 2012,栏目:20 文化和体育>>20-7 广播电台和电视台情况(2008-2011年),共1页

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Statistics on Broadcasting and Television Stations,2008-2011 
单位:套、时∶分、% (set,hour∶minute,%) 
项目Item 2008 2009 2010 2011
广播电台Broadcasting Stations
    节目套数Number of Programs *** *** *** ***
    平均每日播音时间Broadcasting Hours per Day *** *** *** ***
    广播覆盖率Listener Rating *** *** *** ***
电视台Television Stations
    节目套数Number of Programs *** *** *** ***
    平均每周播出时间Program Hours per Week *** *** *** ***
    电视覆盖率Viewer Rating *** *** *** ***
Note:Since 2008,the data of broadcasting stations are statistics of the whole city,
          and programs of television stations include paid channels.