
天津统计年鉴 2012,栏目:1 综合>>1-9 国民经济和社会发展比例和效益指标(2008-2011年),共1页

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Main Indicators of Proportion and Benefit in National Economy and Social Development,2008-2011 
单位:%  (%) 
指标 Item 2008 2009 2010 2011
人口 Population
    出生率(‰)     Birth Rate(‰) *** *** *** ***
    死亡率(‰)     Death Rate(‰) *** *** *** ***
    自然增长率(‰)     Natural Growth Rate(‰) *** *** *** ***
就业 Employment
    城镇登记失业率     Unemployment Rate Registered in Urban Areas *** *** *** ***
国民经济核算 National Accounting
    经济增长贡献率     Contribution to Gross Domestic Product
        第一产业         Primary Industry *** *** *** ***
        第二产业         Secondary Industry *** *** *** ***
         #工业             Industry *** *** *** ***
        第三产业         Tertiary Industry *** *** *** ***
固定资产投资 Investment in Fixed Assets
    全社会固定资产投资相当于     Proportion of Total Investment in Fixed Assets
           全市生产总值比例            to GDP *** *** *** ***
    新增固定资产交付使用率     Rate of Newly Increased Fixed Assets Transferred
          and in Use *** *** *** ***
财政 Government Finance
    地方一般预算收入相当于全市生     Proportion of Local General Budgetary Government
         产总值比例           Revenue to GDP *** *** *** ***
    地方一般预算支出相当于全市生     Proportion of Local General Budgetary Government
        产总值比例          Expenditures to GDP *** *** *** ***
利用外资 Utilization of Foreign Capital
    直接利用外资额相当于     Proportion of Foreign Direct Investment to
        签约额比例          Foreign Investment Contracted *** *** *** ***
能源 Energy
    能源消费弹性系数     Elasticity Ratio of Energy Consumption *** *** *** ***
    单位生产总值能耗(吨标准煤/万元)     Energy Consumption per Unit of GDP(ton of SCE 10 000 yuan) *** *** *** ***
农业 Agriculture
    每公顷耕地农业机械     Total Power of Agricultural Machinery per Hectare
          总动力(千瓦)        of Cultivated Land(kw) *** *** *** ***
    每公顷播种面积农产品产量(吨)     Output of Crops per Hectare of Sown Area(ton)
        粮食         Grain *** *** *** ***
        棉花         Cotton *** *** *** ***
        油料         Oil-bearing Crops *** *** *** ***
工业 Industry
    总资产贡献率(%)     Ratio of Total Assets to Industrial Output Value(%) *** *** *** ***
    成本费用利润率(%)     Ratio of Pre-tax Profits to Industrial Cost(%) *** *** *** ***
    资金利税率(%)     Ratio of Profits and Taxes to Total Assets(%) *** *** *** ***
建筑业 Construction
    技术装备率(万元/人)     Value of Machinery per Labour(10 000 yuan/person) *** *** *** ***
    产值利税率(%)     Ratio of Profits and Taxes to Gross Output Value(%) *** *** *** ***
    全员劳动生产率(万元/人)     Overall Labour Productivity(10 000 yuan/person) *** *** *** ***
邮电通信业 Post and Telecommunication Services
    电话普及率     Access to Telephones
    (含移动电话)(部/百人)      (include mobile phone)(set/100 persons) *** *** *** ***
    移动电话普及率(部/百人)     Access to Mobile Phones(set/100 persons) *** *** *** ***
    每一邮电局所服务面积     Average Service Area per Post and Telecommunications
        (平方公里)        Office( *** *** *** ***
对外经济贸易 Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
    进出口总额相当于全市     Proportion of Total Value of Imports&Exports
         生产总值比例(%)         in Foreign Trade to GDP(%) *** *** *** ***
    出口总额相当于全市     Proportion of Total Value of Exports to GDP(%)
       生产总值比例(%)   *** *** *** ***
国际旅游 International Tourism
    每一来津游客花费(美元)     Expenditure per Tourist in Tianjin(USD) *** *** *** ***
金融业 Financial Intermediation
    金融机构存款相当于全市     Deposits of Financial Institutions
        生产总值比例        as Percentage of GDP *** *** *** ***
    金融机构贷款相当于全市     Loans of Financial Institutions
         生产总值比例        as Percentage of GDP *** *** *** ***
教育 Education
    新增劳动力平均受教育年限(年)     Average Year of Education of Newly Increased Labour(year) *** *** *** ***
    学龄儿童毛入学率     Percentage of School-aged Children Enrolled *** *** *** ***
    初中毕业升学率     Percentage of Entering Senior Secondary Schools *** *** *** ***
    每一教师负担学生数(人)     Student-teacher Ratio(person) *** *** *** ***
科技 Science
    研究与实验发展经费支出相     R&D Expenditures as Percentage of GDP
        当于全市生产总值比例   *** *** *** ***
卫生 Health Care
    平均每个医院负担人口(人)     Average Burden Population of Each Hospital(person) *** *** *** ***
    病床周转次数(次)     Turnover of Beds(time) *** *** *** ***
    病床使用率     Utilization Rate of Beds(%) *** *** *** ***
文化 Culture
    每百万人有艺术表演团体(个)     Number of Troupes per Million Persons(unit) *** *** *** ***
    每百万人有公共图书馆(个)     Number of Public Libraries per Million Persons(unit) *** *** *** ***
    每百万人有博物馆(个)     Number of Museums per Million Persons(unit) *** *** *** ***
婚姻 Marriages and Divorces
    粗离婚率(‰)     Divorces Rate(‰) *** *** *** ***
生活 People's Life
    城市与农村居民收入增长率比例     Proportion of Growth Rate of Annual Income of Urban
      (以农村居民收入指数为100)       Residents to the Growth Rate of Annual Income
        of Rural Residents(rural=100) *** *** ***
环境保护 Environmental Protection
    污水处理率     Percentage of Sewage Treatment *** *** *** ***
    工业固体废物综合利用率     Rate of Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Waste Residue *** *** *** ***