
四川统计年鉴 2012,栏目:7 资源和环境>>7-9 主要矿产基础储量,共1页

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Major Mineral Basic Reserves 
项目 Item 2011
煤炭 *** Coal (100 million tons) ***
铁矿 *** Iron (Ore,100 million tons) ***
锰矿 *** Manganese *** ***
钛矿 (钛铁矿TiO2,万吨) Titanium *** ***
钒矿 *** Vanadium *** ***
铜矿 *** Copper *** ***
铅矿 *** Lead *** ***
锌矿 *** Zinc *** ***
镁矿 (炼镁白云岩)(矿石,万吨) Magnesium (Dolomite Ore,10 000 tons) ***
金矿 *** Gold *** ***
银矿 *** Silver *** ***
锂矿 *** Lithium *** ***
石墨 (晶质石墨,万吨) Graphite Mineral(Crystal) *** ***
硫铁矿 *** Pyrite Ore *** ***
石棉 *** Asbestos *** ***
石榴子石 *** Garnet *** ***
芒硝 *** Mirabilite *** ***
石膏 *** Gypsum *** ***
菱镁矿 *** Magnesite *** ***
熔剂用灰岩 *** Grey Rock Used as Flux *** ***
水泥用灰岩 *** Grey Rock Used as Cement *** ***
冶金用白云岩 *** Dolomite Ore for Metallurgy Use *** ***
冶金用石英岩 *** Quartzite for Metallurgy Use *** ***
玻璃用砂岩 *** Sandstone Used as Glass *** ***
水泥配料用砂岩 *** Sandstone Used as Cement Burden *** ***
砖瓦用砂岩 (矿石,万立方米) Sandstone Used as Brick *** ***
铸型用砂岩 *** Sandstone Used as Casting Mould *** ***
玻璃用脉石英 *** Quartzite Gangue Used as Glass *** ***
硅藻土 *** Diatomaceous Earth *** ***
高岭土 *** Kaolin *** ***
耐火粘土 *** Refractory Clay *** ***
水泥配料用粘土 *** Clay Used as Casting Mould *** ***
水泥配料用泥岩 *** Mudstone Used as Casting Mould *** ***
化肥用蛇纹岩 *** Serpentine Used as Chemistry Fertilizer *** ***
饰面用花岗岩 (矿石,万立方米) Granite Used for Decorations *** ***
霞石正长岩 *** Nepheline Syenite *** ***
饰面用大理岩 (矿石,万立方米) Marble Used for Decorations *** ***
盐矿 *** Sodium Salt NaCl *** ***
磷矿 *** Phosphorus Ore *** ***
a)Data of major mineral basic reserves are provided by the Provincial Department of Land and Resources.