
重庆统计年鉴 2012,栏目:第7章 人民生活与物价>>表7.11 农村居民家庭基本情况(2010-2011年),共1页

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指标 Item 2010 2011
调査户数(户) Number of Households Surveyed (household) *** ***
调查户常住人口(人) Number of Permanent Residents (person) *** ***
整半劳动力 Full/Semi Labor Force *** ***
平均每户常住人口 Average Number of Permanent Residents per Household *** ***
平均每户整半劳力 Average Number of Full/Semi Laborers per Household *** ***
平均每个劳动力负担人口 Average Number of Dependents per Laborer (including

(含本人) the laborer himself or herself)
*** ***
平均每人年收入(元) Per Capita Annual Income (yuan)
总收入 Total Income *** ***
纯收入 Net Income *** ***
现金收入 Cash lncome *** ***
农村居民纯收入按五等分分组 Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households by Quintile

(元) (yuan)
低收入户 Low Income Households *** ***
中下收入户 Lower Middle Income Households *** ***
中等收入户 Middle Income Households *** ***
中上收入户 Upper Middle Income Households *** ***
高收入户 High Income Households *** ***
平均每人年支出(元) Per Capita Annual Expenditure (yuan)
总支出 Total Expenditure *** ***
现金支出 Cash Expenditure *** ***
平均每人经营耕地面积(亩) Per Capita Cultivated Area(mu) *** ***
平均每人生产性固定资产 Per Capita Original Value of Productive Fixed Assets

原值(元) (yuan)
*** ***
第一产业 Primary Industry *** ***
#役畜、产品畜 Draught Animals and Commodity Animals *** ***
  大中型铁木农具 Large and Medium Wood and Iron Farm Tools *** ***
  农林牧渔机械 Machinery of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery *** ***
第二产业 Secondary Industry *** ***
第三产业 Tertiary Industry *** ***