陕西统计年鉴 2012,栏目:十五 运输和邮电>>15-3 运输工具,共1页
15-3 运输工具 |
Transportation |
指标 Item |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
一、铁路运输工具 Means of Railway
Transportations |
机车 (台) Locomotives (unit) |
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#蒸汽 Steam Locomotives |
内燃 Diesel
Locomotives |
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电力 Electric
Locomotives |
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客车 (辆) Passenger Coaches (coach) |
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二、公路运输工具 Means of Highway
Transportations |
民用汽车 (辆) Civil Vehicles (coach) |
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#新注册 New Registrations |
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载客汽车 (辆) Passenger Vehicles (coach) |
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载货汽车 (辆) Trucks (coach) |
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特种车 (辆) Special Vehicle (coach) |
汽车挂车 (辆) Trailer Trucks (coach) |
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拖拉机 (辆) Tractors (coach) |
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三、水运运输工具 Means of Waterway
Transportations |
机动船 (艘) Motor Vessels (unit) |
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客船载客量 (客位) Passenger Capacity of
Passenger Ships (seat) |
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货船净载重量 (吨) Dead Weight Tonnage of
Cargo Ships (ton) |
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拖轮功率 (千瓦) Drawing Power (kw) |
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驳船 (艘) Barges (unit) |
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四、民航运输工具 Means of Civil
Aviation Transportations |
民航飞机 (架) Civil Aircraft (unit) |
*** |
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*** |
注:铁路运输工具含神华神朔铁路有限责任公司机车数。 |
Means of railway transportations includes locomotives in Shenhuashenshuo
Railway Co., Ltd. |