
天津滨海新区统计年鉴 2011,栏目:第十篇 城建环保和交通邮电>>10-1 城市市政设施,共1页

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10-1  城市市政设施 
Municipal Facilities in City 
    Item   Unit 1994 2009 2010 2010比2009
Increase Rate in
2010 over 2009(%)
铺装道路长度 Length of Paved Roads   km *** *** *** ***
铺装道路面积 Area of Paved Roads 万平方米 *** *** *** *** ***
桥梁座数 Number of Bridges unit *** *** *** ***
 #立交桥 Flyover unit *** *** *** ***
排水泵站 Pump Station unit ***
排水管道长度 Length of Drainpipes   km ***
Note:Data in 1994 excludes municipal facilities out of urban council system of Tanggu and Dagang Management Committee.