
沈阳年鉴 2011,栏目:统计资料>>综合平衡>>1-6 国民经济主要指标,共1页

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1—6 国民经济主要指标 
Main Indicators of National Economy 
指标 Item 2000 2005 2009 2010
年末总人口(户籍人口)(万人) Year—end Total Population(10000 persons) *** *** *** ***
  #市区人口   Urban *** *** *** ***
城镇非私营单位职工人数(万人) Employees in Non-private Sector in Cities and Towns(10000 persons) *** *** *** ***
地区生产总值(亿元) Gross Domestic Product( 100 million yuan) *** *** *** ***
  第一产业   Primary Industry *** *** *** ***
  第二产业   Secondary Industry *** *** *** ***
    #工业     #Industry *** *** *** ***
  第三产业   Tertiary Industry *** *** *** ***
人均地区生产总值(元) Per Capita Gross Domestic Product(yuan) *** *** *** ***
规模以上工业总产值(亿元) Gross Industrial Output Value(100 million yuan) *** *** *** ***

High - new Technology Industrial Output Value above

Designated Size(100 million yuan)
*** *** ***
规模以上工业增加值(亿元) Value-added of Industry above Designated Size

Industrial Enterprises(100 million yuan)
*** *** *** ***
规模以上工业主营业务收入(亿元) Revenue from Principal Business above Designate

Size Industrial Enterprises(100 million yuan)
*** *** *** ***
规模以上工业固定资产净值(亿元) Net Value of Fixed Assets above Designated

Size Industrial Enterprises(100 million yuan)
*** *** *** ***
规模以上工业实现利润(亿元) Profit on Industry above Designated Size Industrial

Enterprises( 100 million yuan)
*** *** *** ***
规模以上工业实现利税(亿元) Pre—tax Profit on Industry above Designated

Size Industrial Enterprises(100 million yuan)
*** *** *** ***

Total Energy Consumption above Designate Size

Industrial Enterprises(10000 tons of SCE)
*** *** ***
  #工业生产用(万吨标煤)   #Industry(10000 tons of SCE) *** *** ***
农林牧渔业总产值(亿元) Total Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal

Husbandry and Fishery(100 million yuan)
*** *** *** ***
全社会固定资产投资(亿元) Total Investment in Fixed Assets(100 million yuan) *** *** *** ***
  #国有固定资产投资   #State-owned Investment in Fixed Assets *** *** *** ***
   集体固定资产投资    Investment of Collective Units in Fixed Assets *** *** *** ***
   个人投资    Investment of Individuals on Buildings *** *** *** ***
社会消费品零售总额(亿元) Total Retail Sales Value of Consumer Goods(100 million yuan) *** *** *** ***
进出口总额(亿美元) Total Exports and Imports (USD 100 million) *** *** *** ***
  出口总额(亿美元)   Total Exports(USD 100 million) *** *** *** ***
  进口总额(亿美元)   Total Imports(USD 100 million) *** *** *** ***
实际利用外商直接投资(亿美元) Total Foreign Capital Actually Used(USD100) million) *** *** *** ***
全社会用电量(亿千瓦时) Total Electricity Consumption(100 million kwh) *** *** *** ***
货运总量(万吨) Total Freight Traffic(10000 tons) *** *** *** ***
客运总量(万人) Total Passenger traffic(10000 persons) *** *** *** ***
地方财政一般预算收入(亿元) Local Intra—budgetary Revenue(100 million yuan) *** *** *** ***
地方财政一般预算支出(亿元) Local Intra—budgetary Expenditure( 100 million yuan) *** *** *** ***
金融机构本外币存款余额(亿元) Deposits of Banking System including Ren Ming Bi

and Foreign Currency(100 million yuan)
*** *** ***
金融机构本外币贷款余额(亿元) Loans of Banking System including Ren Ming Bi and

Foreign Currency(100 million yuan)
*** *** ***
城乡居民储蓄本外币年末余额(亿元) Year—end Deposit of Residents including Ren Ming Bi

and Foreign Currency(100 million yuan)
*** *** ***
在校学生总数(万人) Total Students Enrollment(10000 persons) *** *** *** ***
  #高等教育院校在校学生数   #Institutions of Higher Education *** *** *** ***
   中等专业学校在校学生数    Secondary Schools *** *** *** ***
   普通中学在校学生数    Regular Secondary Schools *** *** *** ***
   小学在校学生数    Primary Schools *** *** *** ***
各种卫生机构床位数(万张) Number of Beds in Health Institutions(10000 units) *** *** *** ***
医生数(万人) Number of Doctors(10000 persons) *** *** *** ***
居民消费价格指数(%) General Consumer Price Indices(%) *** *** *** ***
商品零售价格总指数(%) General Retail Price Indices of Commodities(%) *** *** *** ***
城市居民人均可支配收入(元) Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of UrbanResidents(yuan) *** *** *** ***
农村居民人均纯收入(元) Per capita Annual Net Income of Rural Residents(yuan) *** *** *** ***
城镇非私营单位职工工资总额(亿元) Total Salary of Staff in Non-private Sector in Cities

and Towns(100 million yuan)
*** *** *** ***
城镇非私营单位职工年平均工资(元) Per Capita Salary of Staff in Non-private Sector in

Cities and Towns(yuan)
*** *** *** ***