
宁夏统计年鉴 2011,栏目:统计资料>>第三篇 国民经济核算>>3-8 按支出法计算的地区生产总值,共1页

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3-8  按支出法计算的地区生产总值 
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach 
指标    Item 绝对数(亿元) 构成(%)
Level            (100 million yuan) Composition(%)
2009 2010 2009 2010
地区生产总值 Gross Demestic Product *** *** *** ***
最终消费 Final Consumption *** *** *** ***
  居民消费   Household Consumption *** *** *** ***
    农村居民     Rural Household *** *** *** ***
    城镇居民     Urban Household *** *** *** ***
  政府消费   Government Consumption *** *** *** ***
资本形成总额 Gross Capital Formation *** *** *** ***
  固定资本形成总额   Gross Fixed Capital *** *** *** ***
  存货增加   Change in Inventories *** *** *** ***
货物和服务净出口 Net Exports of Goods and Services *** *** *** ***
a)Data in this table are calculated at current prices.