
宁波统计年鉴 2010,栏目:第六篇 农业>>表6-15 各县(市) 区林业生产情况(2009),共1页

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    Basic Statistics on Forestry by Region 
        全市     各县(市)、区by Region                  
    指标     Indicators       海曙   江北 北仑     镇海     大榭     鄞州     余姚     慈溪     奉化   象山   宁海
        Haishu   Jiangbei Beilun     Zhenhai     Daxie     Yinzhou     Yuyao     Cixi   Fenghua Xiangshan   Ninghai
营林情况(公顷) Afforestation(hectare)                        
  造林面积合计(公顷)     Total Afforestation Area(hectare) ***     *** ***   *** *** *** *** *** ***
    按方式分     By Way of Afforestation                        
      当年人工造林面积     Area of Afforest artificially in This Year ***     *** ***   *** *** *** *** *** ***
    按用途分     By Use of Afforestation                        
      经济林     Economic Forest ***     ***           ***   ***
      防护林     Shelter Forest ***     *** ***   *** *** *** *** *** ***
  迹地更新面积     Area of Forest Updating ***     *** ***   *** ***   *** *** ***
  封山育林面积     Area of Afforestation in Enclosed Mountain ***   *** *** ***   *** *** *** *** *** ***
  零星(四旁)植树(万株)     Planting Trees Piecemeal(10000 trees) ***   *** *** ***   *** *** *** *** *** ***
  育苗面积(公顷)     Area of Growing Seedings(hectare) *** *** *** *** ***   *** *** *** *** *** ***
  幼林抚育实际面积     Area of Tending Seedings ***   *** *** ***     *** *** *** *** ***
  幼林抚育作业面积     Area of Seedings Cultivated ***   *** ***       *** *** *** *** ***
  成林抚育面积     Area of Grown Forest Cultivated ***   *** *** ***   *** *** *** *** ***  
  低产林改造面积     Area of Transform Low Yield Forest ***     *** ***   *** *** *** *** *** ***
  抚育改造出材量(立方米)     Output of Transform and Foster(Cubic Meter) ***   ***         ***        
主要林产品产量(吨) Output of Major Forest Products(ton)                        
  笋罐头     Bamboo Can                        
  板栗     Chestnut ***       ***   *** ***   *** *** ***
  竹笋干     Dried Bamboo Shoots ***   *** *** ***   *** *** *** *** *** ***
  竹壳     Shell of Bamboo ***                   ***  
  白果     Gingko ***           ***     ***    
  毛料     Bamboo ***                     ***
  人造板原料     Artificial Plank ***     ***             ***  
Note:Data in this tables are obtained from Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Forestry.