绍兴统计年鉴 2010,栏目:十一 其他>>11-4 环境基本情况(2009年),共1页
11-4环境基本情况(2009年) |
Environment Protection(2009) |
全市 |
市区 |
绍兴 |
上虞 |
嵊州 |
新昌 |
诸暨 |
指标 |
Item |
Whole |
Municipality |
Urban District |
Shaoxing |
Shangyu |
Shengzhou |
Xinchang |
Zhuji |
一、工生废水排放总量(万吨) |
Volume of Industrial
Waste Water Discharged(10000 tons) |
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直接排入污水处理厂的 |
Directly Discharged to Waste Treatment Plant |
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符合排放标准的 |
Qualified by Emission Standard |
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工业重复用水量 |
Volume of Water Utilized Repeatedly in Industry |
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二、工业废气排放总量(亿标立方米) |
Volume of Industrial Waste Gas
Discharged(100 million cu.m) |
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燃料废气排放量 |
Waste Gas in the Process of Fuel Burning |
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工艺废气排放量 |
Waste Gas from the Process of Production |
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三、工业二氧化硫排放量(吨) |
Volume of Industrial SO_2
Discharged(ton) |
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工业烟尘排放量 |
Volume of Industrial Soot Discharged |
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工业烟尘去除量 |
Volume of Industrial Soot Removed |
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工业粉尘排放量 |
Volume of Industrial Dust Discharged |
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工业粉尘去除量 |
Volume of Industrial Dust Removed |
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四、工业固体废物产生量(万吨) |
Volume of Industrial Solid Wastes
Produced(10 000 tons) |
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工业固体废物综合利用量 |
Volume of Industrial Solid
Wastes Utilized |
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工业固体废物贮存量 |
Volume of Industrial Solid
Wastes Accumulated |
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工业固体废物处置量 |
Volume of Industrial Solid
Wastes Treated |
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五、工业锅炉(台) |
Industrial Boilets(set) |
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烟尘达标的 |
With Industrial Soot up to the Discharge Standards |
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六、工业炉窑(座) |
Industrial Furnaces&Kilns(unit) |
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烟尘达标的 |
With Industrial Soot up to the Discharge Standards |
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