
天津统计年鉴 2010,栏目:第11篇 农村经济>>11-1 农村经济主要指标,共1页

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Major Indicators of Rural Economy 
项目 Item 2008 2009 2009
in 2009
over 2008
农林牧渔业总产值(亿元) Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal
       Husbandry and Fishery(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
    农业     Farming *** *** ***
    林业     Forestry *** *** ***
    牧业     Animal Husbandry *** *** ***
    渔业     Fishery *** *** ***
    农林牧渔服务业     FFAF Services *** *** ***
农林牧渔业增加值(亿元) Value Added of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry
                    and Fishery(100 million yuan) *** *** ***
农业机械及灌溉 Agricultural Machinery and Irrigation
    农机总动力(万千瓦)     Total Power of Agricultural Machinery(10 000 kW) *** *** ***
    大中型拖拉机(台)     Large and Medium-sized Tractors(set) *** *** ***
    小型拖拉机(万台)     Mini-tractors(10 000 sets) *** *** ***
    年末实有机电井(眼)     Motor-pumped Well(year-end)(unit) *** *** ***
    有效灌溉面积(万公顷)     Effective Irrigated Areas(10 000 hectares) *** *** ***
    节水灌溉面积(万公顷)     Water-saving Irrigated Areas(10 000 hectares) *** *** ***
农作物总播种面积(万公顷) Total Sown Areas of Farm Crops(10 000 hectares) *** *** ***
 #粮食     Grain *** *** ***
    蔬菜     Vegetables *** *** ***
总产量(万吨) Yield of Farm Crops(10 000 tons)
 #粮食     Grain *** *** ***
    蔬菜     Vegetables *** *** ***
水果产量(万吨) Yield of Fruits(10 000 tons) *** *** ***
 #果用瓜     Melon-Fruits *** *** ***
年末实有林地面积 Forest Area(year-end)(10 000 hectares)
       (万公顷)   *** *** ***
 #当年造林面积     Afforested Area in Current Year *** *** ***
畜牧业生产 Production of Animal Husbandry
    生猪年末存栏(万头)     Pigs in Hand(year-end)(10 000 heads) *** *** ***
    生猪当年出栏(万头)     Number of Slaughtered Pigs(10 000 heads) *** *** ***
    牛年末存栏(万头)     Cattle in Hand(year-end)(10 000 heads) *** *** ***
     #乳牛         Cows *** *** ***
    牛当年出栏(万头)     Number of Slaughtered Cattle(10 000 heads) *** *** ***
    羊年末存栏(万只)     Sheep&Goats in Hand(year-end)(10 000 heads) *** *** ***
    羊当年出栏(万只)     Number of Slaughtered Sheep and Goats
*** *** *** ***
    家禽年末存栏(万只)     Poultry in Hand(year-end)(10 000 heads) *** *** ***
     #产蛋鸡         Hens *** *** ***
    家禽当年出栏(万只)     Number of Slaughtered Poultry(10 000 heads) *** *** ***
畜禽产品产量(万吨) Output of Animal and Poultry(10 000 tons)
    肉类总产量     Output of Meat *** *** ***
     #猪肉         Pork *** *** ***
        牛羊肉         Beef and Mutton *** *** ***
        禽肉         Poultry *** *** ***
    禽蛋产量     Output of Poultry Eggs *** *** ***
    奶类产量     Output of Milk *** *** ***
渔业生产 Production of Fishery
    水产养殖面积     Cultured Areas of Aquatic Products
        (万公顷) *** *** *** ***
     #淡水         Fresh Water *** *** ***
    水产品产量(万吨)     Output of Aquatic Products(10 000 tons) *** *** ***
     #淡水         Fresh Water *** *** ***
Note:Increase rate of gross output value of farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery are calculated based on constant prices(same as following next).