
山西统计年鉴 2009,栏目:3 固定资产投资>>3-6 全社会固定资产投资新增生产能力(2008年),共1页

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生产能力(或效益)名称   Item 总计

原煤开采 *** Coal Mining(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
洗煤 *** Coal Washing(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
焦炭 *** *** *** ***
天然气开采 (亿立方米/年) Extraction of Natural Gas(100 million cu.m/year) *** ***
铁矿开采(原矿) *** Iron Ore Mining(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
铁矿选矿处理量 *** Iron Ore Dressing(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
铁矿石成品矿 *** End Product of Iron Ore(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
生铁 *** Pig Iron(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
粗钢 *** Steel Making(10 000tons/year) *** ***
连铸坯 *** Continuous Casting Strand(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
铁合金 *** Iron Alloy(tons of sec/year) *** ***
钢材 *** Steel Making(10 000tons/year) *** ***
    按加工工艺    Grouped by Processing Technology
         热轧 ***        Hot-rolling Steel Products(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
         冷轧(拔) ***        Cold Working Steel Products(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
         锻压、挤压、旋 ***        Forging,Extrusion and Spanning(10 000 tons/year) ***
         其他 ***         Others(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
铅锌选矿:处理原矿 *** Plumbum&Zinc Ore(10 000 tons/year) ***
铅冶炼 *** Plumbum Smelting(ton/year) *** ***
氧化铝 *** Oxide Aluminium(ton/year) *** ***
铝加工 *** Electrolytic Aluminium(ton/year) *** ***
发电机组容量 *** Generating Units With an Aggregate Capacity(10 000 kw) *** ***
  水力发电 ***    Hydraulic power(10 000 kw) *** ***
  火力发电 ***    Fire Power(10 000 kw) *** ***
  其他发电 *** *** *** ***
输电线路长度(11万伏及以上) *** Lenth of Power Transmission Line(above 110 000 v) *** ***
水泥 *** Cement(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
平板玻璃 (万重量箱/年) Plate Glass(10 000 weight case/year) *** ***
石墨及炭素制品 *** Graphite and Carbon Products(ton/year) *** ***
农用氮、磷、钾化学肥料 *** Nitrogen,Phosphate and Potash Fertilizers *** ***
    for Agriculture(ton/year)
  #氮肥 ***     Nitrogen Fertilizers(ton/year) *** ***
    磷肥 ***     Phosphate Fertilizers(ton/year) *** ***
    钾肥 ***     Potash Fertilizers(ton/year) *** ***
化学农药原药 *** Chemical Pesticide(ton/year) *** ***
精甲醇 *** Wood Alcohol(ton/year) *** ***
塑料树脂及共聚物 *** Plastics(ton/year) *** ***
合成橡胶 *** Synthetic Rubber(ton/year) *** ***
汽车制造 *** Motor Vehicles(unit/year) *** ***
  #其他汽车制造 ***     Other Motor Vehicles(unit/year) *** ***
棉纺锭 *** Cotton Spinning Spindel(unit) ***
*** Alcoholic Drink(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
  #啤酒 *** *** *** ***
    白酒 ***     White Spirit(10 000 tons/year) *** ***
程控交换机(指安装能力) *** SPC Exchange(10 000 lines/year) *** ***
新建铁路投产里程 *** Lenth of Newly-built and Operating Railway(km) *** ***
新建公路 *** Length of Newly Built Highways(km) *** ***
  #高速公路 ***     Express-way(km) *** ***
    一级公路 ***     First Class(km) *** ***
    二级公路 ***     Second Class(km) *** ***
改建公路 *** Reconstructed Highways(km) *** ***
  #一级公路 ***     First Class(km) *** ***
    二级公路 ***     Second Class(km) *** ***
新建独立公路桥梁 *** Length of Newly Built Highway Bridges(extended m) *** ***
新建独立公路桥梁 *** Number of Newly Built Highway Bridges(unit) *** ***
新(扩)建客、货运站 *** Number of Newly Built or Expanded Passenger *** ***
    and Freight Transport Stations(unit)
新(扩)建客、货运站 *** Area of Newly Built or Expanded Passenger *** ***
    and Freight Transport Stations(sq.m)
城市自来水供水能力 *** City Tap Water Supply Capacity(10 000 tons/day) *** ***
城市公共交通车辆购置 *** Purchasing of Buses for Public Traffic(unit) *** ***
城市污水处理能力 *** City Sewage Treatment Capacity(10 000 tons/day) *** ***