新疆调查年鉴 2006,栏目:5 乡镇概况>>5-9 全区边区乡 建制镇基本情况,共1页
5—9全区边区乡、建制镇基本情况 |
Information of Administrative Townships or Towns in the Remote Areas in
xinjiang |
指标Item |
2002 |
2005 |
乡镇基本情况 |
Basic Information of
Townships and Towns |
乡、建制镇个数(个) |
Number of Surveyed Towns(unit) |
*** |
*** |
居民委员会个数(个) |
Number of Resident Committees(unit) |
*** |
*** |
村民委员会个数(个) |
Number of Villager Committees(unit) |
*** |
*** |
#通电的村 |
Number of Village Accessible to Electric Power |
*** |
*** |
通邮的村 |
Number of Village Accessible to Mail |
*** |
*** |
通电话的村 |
Number of Village Accessible to Telephones |
*** |
*** |
通公路的村 |
Number of Village Accessible to Highway |
*** |
*** |
通自来水的村 |
Number of Village Accessible to Running Water |
*** |
*** |
通有线电视的村 |
Number of Village Accessible to Cable TV |
*** |
乡镇行政区域面积(千公顷) |
Area ofAdministrative Towns(1 000 hectares) |
*** |
年末常用耕地面积(千公顷) |
Year-end Tilled LandArea(1 000 hectares) |
*** |
*** |
年末有效灌溉面积(千公顷) |
Year-end Efficient Irrigated Area(1 000 hectares) |
*** |
*** |
农村用电量(万千瓦小时) |
Rural Electricity Consumption(10 000 kwh) |
*** |
人口与就业 |
Population and Employment |
乡镇总户数(户) |
Number of Households in Administrative Towns(household) |
*** |
*** |
乡镇总人口(人) |
Total Population ofAdministrative Towns(person) |
*** |
*** |
#外来人口 |
Shifting Population |
*** |
乡镇从业人员数(人) |
Number of Employee in Administrative Towns(person) |
*** |
*** |
#外来从业人员数 |
Shifting Employees |
*** |
第一产业从业人员 |
Primary Industry Employees |
*** |
*** |
第二产业从业人员 |
Secondary Industry Employees |
*** |
*** |
第三产业从业人员 |
TertiaryIndustryEmployees |
*** |
*** |
农业生产情况 |
Agricultural Production Information |
农作物总播种面积(千公顷) |
Total Tilled Area of Farm Crops(1 000 hectares) |
*** |
*** |
#粮食播种面积 |
Grain-tilled Area |
*** |
*** |
粮食总产量(吨) |
Total Output of Grain(ton) |
*** |
*** |
棉花总产量(吨) |
TotalOutputofCotton(ton) |
*** |
*** |
肉类总产量(吨) |
Total Output ofMeat(ton) |
*** |
*** |
#猪肉产量 |
Output of Pork |
*** |
*** |
牛奶产量 |
Output of Cow Milk |
*** |
禽蛋产量 |
Output ofPoultry and Eggs |
*** |
水产品产量 |
Output ofAquatic Products |
*** |
*** |
企业情况 |
Enterprises Information |
企业个数(个) |
Number of Enterprises(unit) |
*** |
*** |
#工业企业 |
Industrial Enterprises |
*** |
*** |
企业从业人员(人) |
Employees of Township Enterprises(person) |
*** |
*** |
#工业企业 |
Industrial Enterprises |
*** |
*** |
企业实交税金总额(万元) |
Total Sum of Tax Paid byEnterprises(10000yuan) |
*** |
*** |
乡镇机构 |
Institutions of Townships and Towns |
财政供给人数(人) |
Number of Persons Financed by Government Treasury(person) |
*** |
公务员 |
Civil-servant |
*** |
事业编制 |
Staffing in Institutions |
*** |
其他人员 |
Others |
*** |
财政供给人员全年工资总额(万元) |
TotalSumofAnnual SalarybyGovernmentTreasury(10000 yuan) |
*** |
财政收支与债务 |
Fiscal Expenditure and Debt |
财政总收入(万元) |
Total Financial Revenue(10 000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
预算内收入(万元) |
Budgetary Revenue(10 000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
#一般预算收入 |
General Budgetary Revenue |
*** |
预算外收入(万元) |
Extra-budgetary Revenue(10 000 yuan) |
*** |
基金预算收入(万元) |
Budgetary Revenue from Fund(10 000 yuan) |
*** |