青海统计年鉴 2009,栏目:第20篇其他社会活动>>20-4 2007-2008年妇联工作情况,共1页
20-4 2007-2008年妇联工作情况 |
Statistics for
Work of Women's Federation(2007-2008) |
单位:人、亩、个(person、acre、unit) |
项目Item |
2007 |
2008 |
双学双比活动 |
Learning and
Competing Campaign Activities |
科技培训 |
Training of Science and Technology |
接受技术培训人数 |
Number of Technical Training |
*** |
*** |
获绿色证书人数 |
Number of Persons Obtained Green Certificates |
*** |
*** |
女农民技术人员人数 |
Number of Women Farmer Technical Personnel |
*** |
*** |
妇代会主任是农民技术员数 |
Number of Director of Women's Congress |
*** |
*** |
Who aFe Farmer Technical
Personnels |
建立农业科技指导合作组织 |
Establishment of Agricultural Science
and Technology |
Guidance and Cooperation Organization |
农村妇女科技指导中心 |
Rural Women Science and Technology Guidance Center |
*** |
*** |
农村妇女专业技术协会 |
Rural Women Professional Technical Associations |
*** |
*** |
专业合作社 |
Professional Cooperatives |
*** |
*** |
妇联自(联)办农业基地 |
Agricultural Bases Organized by Women's
Federation |
*** |
*** |
三八绿色工程 |
38 Green Projects |
基地个数 |
Number of Bases |
*** |
*** |
基地亩数 |
Area of Bases |
*** |
*** |
巾扶贫 |
Women's Poverty Relief |
脱贫户数 |
Households Out of Poverty |
*** |
*** |
扶贫项目数 |
Poverty Relief Projects |
*** |
*** |
农村妇女学校数 |
Number of Schools for Rural Women |
*** |
*** |
巾建功活动 |
Activities of Malting Great
Achievements of Women |
巾建功 |
Making Great Achievements of Women |
评选巾建功标兵数 |
Number of Persons Dubbed Pacesetters |
*** |
*** |
巾建功先进工作者数 |
Number of Persons Dubbed Advanced Workers |
*** |
*** |
巾建功先进协调单位数 |
Number of Advanced Coordination Units |
*** |
*** |
巾文明示范岗数 |
Number of Civilization Model Stations |
*** |
*** |
失业妇女再就业 |
Re-employment Persons of Unemployed
Women |
妇联培训失业妇女人数 |
Number of Unemployed Women trained by Women's Federation |
*** |
*** |
建立培训基地或学校数 |
Number of Training Bases and Schools |
*** |
*** |
帮助失业妇女就业人数 |
Number of Re-employment Persons of Unemployed Women |
*** |
*** |
社区妇女工作 |
Commnnity-based Women's Work |
社区服务实体数 |
Number ofCommunity Services Entities |
*** |
*** |
中华巾志愿者人数 |
Number of Chinese Women Volunteers |
*** |
*** |
中华巾志愿者队伍数 |
Numbers of Ranks of Chinese Women Volunteers |
*** |
*** |