
天津统计年鉴 2009,栏目:第20篇 公共管理和社会组织>>20-6 主要年份公证工作基本情况(2006-2008年),共1页

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                            BASIC STATISTICS ON NOTARIZATION IN MAIN YEARS,2006-2008 
    项目         Item 2006 2007 2008
公证机构(个) Notary Offices(unit) *** *** ***
公证员(人) Notarial Personnel(person) *** *** ***
办理公证(件) Notarized Documents(case) *** *** ***
  国内公证总计   Domestic Affairs Total *** *** ***
    民事公证     Civil Legal Relations Notarized *** *** ***
       #收养        Children Adoption *** *** ***
         解除收养        Adoption Renouncements *** *** ***
         继承权        Rights of Inheritance *** *** ***
         遗嘱        Testaments *** *** ***
         亲属关系        Kinship Confirmation *** *** ***
         房屋买卖        Purchases and Sales of House *** *** ***
         房屋租赁        House Leases *** *** ***
         委托书        Certificate of Entrustment *** *** ***
         赠予书        Presentation Documents *** *** ***
         声明书        Declarations *** *** ***
    经济公证     Business Notarized *** *** ***
       #购销        Purchases and Sales of Contracts *** *** ***
         联营        Joint Ownership Contracts ***
         贷款        Loans Contracts *** *** ***
         招标投标        Bidding *** *** ***
         劳务合同        Labour Contracts *** *** ***
         建筑工程承包        Construction Project Contracts *** *** ***
         农林牧副渔业承包        Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry,Sideline Contracts *** *** ***
         财产租赁        Property Leases *** *** ***
         法人资格        Legal Person Identification *** *** ***
         法人委托书        Legal Person Certificate of Entrustment *** *** ***
  涉外公证总计     Foreign Affairs Total *** *** ***
     #出生        Births *** *** ***
       学历        Schooling *** *** ***
       经历        Personal Histories *** *** ***
       生存、居住        Survival and Residence *** *** ***
       死亡        Deaths *** *** ***
       亲属关系        Kinship *** *** ***
       婚姻状况        Marriages *** *** ***
       继承权        Rights of Inheritance ***
       委托书        Trust Deeds *** *** ***
       声明书        Declarations *** *** ***
       受、未受刑事处        Criminal Records&Uncriminal Records *** *** ***
       文本相符        Confirmation of Copies and
                Photo-offset Copies to Originals *** *** ***
       其他        Others *** *** ***
  涉港澳台公证小计  Concern Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan Notarized Total   ***