山东调查年鉴 2008,栏目:1城市主要社会经济指标>>1-1 济南市城市基本情况,共1页
1-1济南市城市基本情况 |
City Basic Situation of Jinan |
指标名称 |
Index |
City |
City |
年末总人口(公安户籍口径)(万人) |
Year-End Population(Census RequirementsOf Public Security)(10000 persons) |
*** |
*** |
年末单位从业人员数(万人) |
Employed Persons At Year-End In
Units(10000 persons) |
*** |
*** |
第一产业(农、林、牧、渔业)(万人) |
Industry(Farming,Forestry,AnimalHusbandry And Fishery)(10000 persons) |
*** |
*** |
第二产业(万人) |
Secondary Industry(10000 persons) |
*** |
*** |
第三产业(万人) |
Tertiary-Industry(10000 persons) |
*** |
*** |
行政区域土地面积(平方公里) |
Area Of Administrative Land(sq.km) |
*** |
*** |
其中among:建成区面积(平方公里) |
Developed Areas(sq.km) |
*** |
地区生产总值(当年价格)(万元) |
Gross Regional Product(Current Year's
Prices)(10000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
第一产业增加值(万元) |
Value Added Of Primary Industry(10000
yuan) |
*** |
*** |
第二产业增加值(万元) |
Value Added Of Secondary
Industry(10000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
第三产业增加值(万元) |
Value Added Of Tertiary
Industry(10000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
人均地区生产总值(元) |
Per Gross Regional Product(yuan) |
*** |
*** |
地区生产总值增长率(%) |
Growth Rate Of Gross Regional
Product(percentage) |
*** |
*** |
地方财政一般预算内收入(万元) |
Local Financial Budgetary
Revenue(10000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
地方财政一般预算内支出(万元) |
Local Financial Budgetary
Expenditure(10000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
年末耕地总资源(干公顷) |
Total Areas Of Year-End Cultivated
Land(1000 ha.) |
*** |
蔬菜产量(吨) |
Output Of Vegetables(ton) |
*** |
水果产量(吨) |
Output Of Fruits(ton) |
*** |
肉类总产量(吨) |
Output Of Meat(ton) |
*** |
奶类产量(吨) |
Output Of Milk(ton) |
*** |
水产品产量(吨) |
Output Of Aquatic Product(ton) |
*** |
规模以上工业企业数(个) |
Sum Of
State-Owned And Non-State-Owned IndustrialEnterprises Above Designated
Size(unit) |
*** |
*** |
规模以上工业总产值(当年价)(万元) |
Industrial Output Value Of State-Owned
And Non-State-Owned Industrial Enterprises
Above Designated Size(Current Year's Prices)(10000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
私人汽车拥有量(辆) |
Possession Of Private Vehicles(unit) |
*** |
公路客运量(万人) |
Passenger Traffic Of Highway(10000
persons) |
*** |
公路货运量(万吨) |
Freight Traffic Of Highway(10000
tons) |
*** |
境内等级公路里程(公里) |
Exoresswav And ClassⅠToⅣHighways(km) |
*** |
境内高速公路里程(公里) |
Exoresswav And ClassⅠToⅣFreeway(km) |
*** |
全年用电量(万千瓦时) |
Annual Electricity Consumption(10000
kwh) |
*** |
*** |
其中among:工业用电(万千瓦时) |
Industrial Electricity
Consumption(10000 kwh) |
*** |
*** |
居民生活用电(万千瓦时) |
Resident Electricity
Consumption(10000 kwh) |
*** |
*** |
社会消费品零售总额(万元) |
Total Retail Sales Of Consumer
Goods(10000 yuan) |
*** |
*** |
货物进口额(海关数)(万美元) |
Value Of Imports(Customs
Numbers)(10000 U.S.dollars) |
*** |
货物出口额(海关数)(万美元) |
Value Of Exports(Customs
Numbers)(10000 U.S.dollars) |
*** |
海外游客人数(含一日游游客)(人) |
Sum Of Overseas Visitors(Including
One-Day Visitors)(person) |
*** |
初中毕业生升学率(%) |
Junior Middle School Rate Of Admission
IntoHigher Level of Education(percentage) |
*** |
*** |
专利申请授权量(项) |
Authorization Quantity Of Applying
For Patents(unit) |
*** |
*** |
其中among:发明(项) |
Inventions(unit) |
*** |
*** |
基本养老保险参保人数(人) |
Number Of People Participated In
Basic Pension Insurance(person) |
*** |
*** |
基本医疗保险参保人数(人) |
Number Of People Participated In
Basic Medical Insurance(person) |
*** |
*** |
失业保险参保人数(人) |
Number Of People Participated In
Unemployment Insurance(person) |
*** |
*** |
城镇居民最低生活保障人数(人) |
Number Of
Participated In Minimum Standard OfLiving For City Residents(person) |
*** |
*** |
三废综合利用产品产值(万元) |
Output Value Of
Products Made From Utilization OfWaste Gas,Water&Solid Wastes(10000 yuan) |
*** |
工业废水排放量(万吨) |
Discharge Amount of Industrial Waste
Water(10000 tons) |
*** |
工业废水排放达标量(万吨) |
Discharge Standard Amount of
Industrial Waste Water(10000 tons) |
*** |
工业二氧化硫去除量(吨) |
Dislodge Amount of Industrial Sulfur
Dioxide(ton) |
*** |
工业二氧化硫排放量(吨) |
Discharge Amount of Industrial Sulfur
Dioxide(ton) |
*** |
工业烟尘去除量(吨) |
Dislodge Amount of Industrial Smoke
Dust(ton) |
*** |
工业烟尘排放量(吨) |
Discharge Amount of Industrial Smoke
Dust(ton) |
*** |
工业固体废物综合利用率(%) |
Ratio Of Industrial Solid
Wastes(percentage) |
*** |