温州统计年鉴 2004,栏目:国内贸易和对外经济>>7-9 限额以上批发零售贸易业商品购进 销售和库存(2003年),共1页
7-9限额以上批发零售贸易业商品购进、销售和库存(2003年) |
and Stock of Wholesale and Retail Trade Enterprises Above Designated
Size(2003) |
单位:万元(10000 yuan) |
项目 |
Item |
法人企业(个)Institutional Enterprises(unit) |
产业活动单位(个)Establishments(units) |
商品购进总额Total Purchases |
商品销售总额Total Sales |
年末库存Stock(year-end) |
#进口Imports |
批发Wholesale |
零售Retail |
#出口Exports |
总计 |
Total |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
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*** |
*** |
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*** |
批发业 |
Wholesale |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
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*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
#国有及国有控股 |
State-owned&State-controlling Enterprises |
*** |
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*** |
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*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
按登记注册类型分 |
Grouped by Status of Registration |
国有企业 |
State-owned Enterprises |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
集体企业 |
Collective-owned Enterprises |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
股份合作企业 |
Cooperative Enterprises |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
联营企业 |
Joint Ownership Enterprises |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
有限责任公司 |
Limited Liability Corporations |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
股份有限公司 |
Share-holding Corporations Ltd. |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
私营企业 |
Private Enteqrises |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
外商投资企业 |
Foreign Funded Enterprises |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
按国民经济行业分 |
Grouped by Sector |
农畜产品 |
Agricultural&Animal Products |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
食品、饮料及烟草制品 |
Food,Beverages,Tobacco&Tobacco Substitutes |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
#米、面制品及食用油 |
Substitutes&Edible Oil |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
烟草制品 |
Tobacco Substitutes |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
纺织、服装及日用品 |
Textiles,Garments&Daily Articles |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
#服装 |
Garments |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
文化、体育用品及器材 |
Cuhural&Sports Goods&Equipments |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
医药及医疗器材 |
Medicament&Medical Treatment Instrument |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
矿产品、建材及化工产品 |
Ore Product,Structural Material&Chemical Products |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
#煤炭及制品 |
Coal&Coal Substitutes |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
石油及制品 |
Oil&Oil Products |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
金属及金属矿 |
Metal&Metal Ore |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
建材 |
Structural Material |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
化肥 |
Fertilizer |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
机械设备、五金交电及电子产品 |
Mechanical Equipment,Hardware&Electronical Products |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
#汽车、摩托车及零配件 |
Vehicles,Motorcycles&Parts |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
家用电器 |
Household Appliances |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
计算机、软件及辅助设备 |
Computer,Software&Assistant Equipment |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
按地区分 |
Grouped by Region |
市区 |
Urban District |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
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*** |
#鹿城区 |
Lucheng |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
龙湾区 |
Lonwan |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
瓯海区 |
Ouhai |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
瑞安市 |
Rui'an |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
乐清市 |
Yueqing |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
洞头县 |
Dongtou |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
永嘉县 |
Yongjia |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
平阳县 |
Pingyang |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
苍南县 |
Cangnan |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
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*** |
*** |
文成县 |
Wencheng |
*** |
*** |
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*** |
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*** |
泰顺县 |
Taishun |
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