重庆统计年鉴 ,栏目:17 教育 科技和文化业>>17-35图书 杂志和报纸出版情况(2005-2006年),共1页
17-35图书、杂志和报纸出版情况(2005-2006年) |
of Books,Magazines and Newspapers(2005-2006) |
指标 |
Item |
2005 |
2006 |
图书 |
Books Published |
种数(种) |
Number of Publications(kind) |
*** |
*** |
#新出版 |
New Publications |
*** |
*** |
总印数(万册、万张) |
Printed Copies(10 000 copies) |
*** |
*** |
总印张数(万印张) |
Printed Sheets(10 000 sheets) |
*** |
*** |
期刊 |
Magazines Published |
种数(种) |
Number of Publications(kind) |
*** |
*** |
每期平均印数(万册) |
Average Printed Copies Per
Issue(10 000 copies) |
*** |
*** |
总印数(万册) |
Printed Copies(10 000 copies) |
*** |
*** |
总印张数(万印张) |
Printed Sheets(10 000 sheets) |
*** |
*** |
报纸 |
Newspapers Published |
种数(种) |
Number of Publications(kind) |
*** |
*** |
每期平均印数(万份) |
Average Printed Copies Per
Issue(10 000 copies) |
*** |
*** |
总印数(万份) |
Printed Copies(10 000 copies) |
*** |
*** |
总印张数(万印张) |
Printed Sheets(10 000 sheets) |
*** |
*** |